Can & Do receive Welfare payments?

by Composer2005 25 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • dozy

    The Society is very relaxed about JWs receiving welfare - all they are really bothered about is that JWs do as much ministry as possible.

    I remember a congregation I was in where the meeting for field service was scheduled for a later time (10.30am) on a Tuesday morning because that's when many of the pioneers had to "sign on" ( in the UK unemployed people usually have to turn up at an unemployment centre early in the morning once a week or fortnight to confirm that they are still unemployed ).

    Another pioneer deliberately only worked 16 hours a week cleaning windows to maximise his benefits and time on the ministry. ( This is very common in the truth- in the UK parents with children get tax credits and other benefits. )

    I remember my father being very annoyed when another elder was speaking about how he only paid one pound a month rental for his house ( he claimed housing benefit ) whereas we lived in an inferior house and he was having to pay a large mortgage and work full time.

    You won't see it in print for obvious reasons but the official Society line is that JWs should claim for whatever they can. To illustrate , when I was an elder , we wondered about appointing a brother to be a ministerial servant who had 4 kids , neither he or his wife worked ( they were both healthy - just lazy and enjoying a rent free , council tax free and heavily subsidised life ) and they aux pioneered a few months a year. Some of us on the body were unhappy , arguing that the bible principle "If a man wants to eat , he should work" should apply , so we decided to discuss it with the CO. When the CO came , he said the the Society had no problem with appointing brothers on benefits and that there was no objection whatsoever to the appointment.

  • kaik

    Under communist rule, everyone was required to work, so all JWs in Czechoslovakia were employed. Many looked for job that would allow them to study or do field service while being employed. Many brothers were employed in coal mines where they could avoid military service and worked hard. However, there were many brothers who never worked hard, and their hands were like catholic priests, all soft, kept, and manicured. This was much different from the coal mine area I lived. After the fall of communism, welfare became possible, and many JWs went to welfare. I knew cases where JWs abused the welfare so much that they had issues with the law. One wife of the elder claimed that they have no income, lived free in city apartment until social services had find out that both had income under the table. They were evicted, etc. My JW cousin claimed disability since age 28, he is very healthy, elder, and getting welfare payments including supplimental income for his children for the past 20 years. JWs are one of the biggest welfare queens I ever had met.

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    It's often that warped sense of values jws have, that they will take all the benefits of living in a country but will not contribute by voting or giving to charity.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    More anecdotal evidence, if I may.

    (The plural of "anecdote" is "data.")

    When I was growing up in New York City, there was a period of about one year when my mother received assistance from the NYC Dept. of Welfare.

    My mother was barely literate and barely numerate; a "perfect" JW, in other words. In credit to her, she found the experience humiliating and got off as soon as she was able to. I was there, I recall the experience.

  • sparrowdown

    The regular pioneer sis in my cong left her unbelieving hubby with the six kids, went onto a disability for asthma, started pioneering and has been playing the poor "widow" card ever since.

    Quite well too I might add, she gets interviewed at assemblies/service meetings about the sacrifices she has made in order to pioneer. She gets freebies and charity shown to her. And her now grown kids only live twenty minutes away but she has nothing to do with them.

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    They're probably ashamed of her. There's a real stigma attached to being a dole bludger.

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