If your goal is to be free physically as well as the mentally, lying on your fs report will only prolong it. I recommend avoiding submitting your time for whatever reason you are comfortable with i.e. your wife and unborn child's health, stress, lack of energy...whichever is a true reason. Stick with it and don't let it go. I find that stooping to their level and lying outright ("theocratic warfare") becomes exhausting. I admit that I just don't speak of anything religiously speaking with my die hard jw parents but I won't lie. the elders called me for about 4 months for time I never had and I haven't heard from them since and that was almost 2.5 years ago. I went from pioneer to inactive in 6 months. Maybe I was lucky or maybe they are just scared of me ;)
Any Suggestions on what to say if elders ask why you stopped going in FS?
by BU2B 69 Replies latest jw friends
Two points:
1) "do not let your right hand know what your left is doing" matt 6:3
2) "not standing on street corners" to make a show.... Matt 6:5
in fact just use matt 6 to show that your "service or ministry" doesn't need to be written down.... It is just part of your daily activity....
twice shy
I searched and searched and couldn't find the scripture where it says how many hours of field service hours you have to do each month?
It shouldn't be as hard as the witnesses make it out to be to serve GOD
So you see what must all strive to do our very best of working toward the scriptual account recorded at Micah 6:8 "exercise justice, love kindness, be modest in walking with God" and keep close at heart that GOD is not burdensome.
You can tell them they forgot to put the field hrs. in while they were so busy taking other sciptures out.
Take care of yourself and your family
I decided to take the week off.
I only do an hour a month, just so I don't get put on the 'inactive' list. Apparently there's a big push (from the GB) to chase up inactive ones. (This I heard from my elder hubby's own lips after a meeting with the CO. I know as an elder's wife I am going to be in the sights of the CO which is making me nervous.
I've thought about this question a lot and have thought all I need to say if asked why I'm doing so little is just, 'I have my reasons but would like to keep it to myself, if you don't mind'. I think the trick is to be firm and assertive without being rude. It works well in theory... I have yet to put it into practice!
I had several unofficial discussions by elders about my reduces FS, i average 2-4hrs per months. I always told them i don’t like ministry and it is not for me. I am happy to give support the local cong with maintenance days, gardening, RBC but not going d2d. I hate it and think it is waste of time!
I even quote the bible and say some servant of Jah were workers and they were not asked to preach, same thing during Jesus times, not everyone was a preacher. Consider me Admin.
Guess what happens, i get more responsibilities within!
I think sometimes honesty works.
Simon Morley
Tell them you are working more on your own, too much time on Saturdays spent on other peoples RV's leaving little time to develop your own. Then pick an evening when there is not a meeting but is a football, baseball, hockey game on that you know the elder likes and ask him to join you....
If they keep hounding you, it would no longer be for god but for man. Hence, the more they hound you, the less you go out or don't go out at all if they keep hounding.
Really good suggestions here! If you just say, "its supposed to be from the heart and voluntary, and not out of compulsion. If you do it out of obligation, Jehovah will not accept the sacrifice. I feel obligated and compelled to do it, and I dont want to from the heart, so I dont want to leave a sacrifice that God will not accept" They really cant DF you for that, and they will look at you as weak and stupid, but it might get them to lay off.
I really have no desire to get into a debate with elders about how the bible nowhere states we should count time, and how Ephesians says only SOME should be evangilizers. I feel it would get me nowhere but a JC. Debating doctrine with these turds is pointless. Once I get rolling they will see they have an apostate on their hands. Not that I really care too much anymore.
Thanks for all of these great suggestions people! Some great Ideas!
Thanks Talesin, I appreciate you and what you have said.
I like captain Obvious remarks.. Tell them you dont like going out anymore, and then when they press you as to why, ask is it voluntary or compulsory? :) Pure gold. I like the suggestions to keep it brief and answer questions with questions and then let them go on, smile nod and then its over.