I dont really want the elders to even think I am active. I want this all to be over, but dont want to stress out my wife too much, but that is at the expense of my sanity. My daughter is now 4. That about the age of remembering things. I cannot lie to her. -BU2B
It's clear you have had enough, but taking the next step is a challenge for you. Well done for playing the incompentence card and stepping down as an MS, that was a huge step and humble, as no one wants to be thought of as incompetent.
You are lying on your report for now and that has kept the elders away, but the next step is to go inactive and start missing tons of meetings. I can understand why you don't want the elders to know you are inactive, but if you want it all to be over they are going to have to know.
Talk to your wife about not feeling guilty, build her up that she is doing the right thing while she is pregnant and then on another day you can tell her how you feel. It's a risk but many spouses don't leave when they find out the other spouse wants out.
We are with you BU2B, the next step is hard. Take it when you're ready
Kate xx