I skipped the meeting again!! Wife gives me a look I have never seen...

by DATA-DOG 26 Replies latest watchtower beliefs


    I had a rough day of physical work and was tired and cold. I decided to stay home and rest. When my wife found out, a very strange look swept over her face for just an instant. Have you ever watch the show "Lie to me", where they read peoples faces? They always show images of real celebrities faces when they lie, or are in pain, whatever the case may be.

    The look I received can only be described as a mixture of pain/sadness and disgust. Is there a word for that? Perhaps pity, stemming from a superior atttitude? I don't know? I am at a loss, really.. It flashed for just a moment, like she lost control of her disguise for a split-second and regained it. I almost expected her to start lecturing me and telling me how dissapointed she was in me. Instead she bitched about some car troubles that we are having, and about money. I said nothing, even though she just spent money on a Bethel trip and will vote for new WTBTS money scheme. I felt like going completely ape-shit about the money issue, but I didn't. I knew that I would just be the bad guy. Oh well...


  • stuckinarut2

    Sorry to hear this Data-Dog,

    I hear you!....

    I think that your wife is starting to see "the real apostate" in you??

    Try to show her that you are the same nice person that she married, not some evil two headed monster...

    My wife is also starting to see that something is different with me. In fact, several of us on this forum are noticing that our significant others are at a crucial point observing that something has made us alert to look outside of the box.....we are different somehow, but they can't quite put their finger on it yet.

    show them we are good loving people still.

  • stillin

    By Thursday night, I've been working long and hard for several days straight and I have begun to nod off for brief moments at the meeting, especially during the first part, the BOOK study. (I can't bring myself to make the adjustment for obvious reasons.)

    anyway, I'm embarrassed to be doing that with the poor brother trying to conduct the meeting looking me in the face only 20' away. Staying home would be better. It's just a matter of time before my wife sees it that way, too. But I get the same dirty look when I announce that I'm not up to going.

  • label licker
    label licker

    My heart goes out to all. With all what we have been through, I still wouldn't trade it in for the freedom we have now. Just remember when you notice more visits than usual and possibly a jc meeting in the future, tape everything. It really does work in your favor.

    There's a couple in our hall where she kicked him out. They df'd the husband and she decided to pioneer. No kids. She is being used in the upcoming assembly. Society is really scraping the barrel with this couple. She has no time to put anything into her marriage but can go out and teach others how to keep their marriage together as long as they pioneer. She's young and beautiful. All about image and making the "good news" real appealing.

    There are more and more spouses splitting up with the approval of mother. Divorcing seems to be the new fad. As long as they pioneer and make their shepherds look like they are doing their jobs by helping these wingnuts put kingdom interests first, it will be easier to throw away marriage mates. With the approval of the society. Be careful. Anything can be used against you in the name of seeking first the kingdom and anything else takes second place.(District convention 2014)


  • fakefading

    At least she still lives with you! My wife left a week ago and hasn't came back!

  • stuckinarut2

    Yes, I back up label lickers comments.....record everything for protection.......

  • JeffT

    Stories like this make me realize how fotunate I am that my wife and I left together, and apparently what a rare occurance this is.

  • stuckinarut2

    Indeed jeff! Very rare that both or all in a family see the truth at the same time!

  • cultBgone

    fake, is that a good thing or a bad thing for you?

  • Gorbatchov

    Don't complain about your wife's choices. You are one of them!

    All the best, take care!


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