I skipped the meeting again!! Wife gives me a look I have never seen...

by DATA-DOG 26 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • sparrowdown

    Just become so badly behaved at meetings she will request you "stay home and get some rest tonight dear."

  • stuckinarut2

    Just treat her with love. Don't snap or react when she gets upset

  • krejames

    Thinking of you all going through this. Must be very painful to see someone you love going through this kind of mental denial and you feeling like the bad guy. X

  • Heartofaboy

    Hi Data........does your wife work?

  • cultBgone

    DD - I started getting "those" looks and cooler treatment from my jw roommate. It's the borg juice relentlessly being poured into them at mtgs...like the recent sisters' mini-play titled "Why Is It Proper To Report Wrongdoing?"

    This divisive nonsense is pushed on them so much, they don't realize they are living in a police state. The only was to help them snap out of it is to get the relationship out of the borg's hands and back into yours...do something unexpected, tell her you appreciate how understanding she is about how tired you are (and mean it). Don't make anything about your relationship be about the borg, make it be all about the Two of You. It's the only way to break through and build up that connection that will help you get her Out.


  • DesirousOfChange

    It's the borg juice relentlessly being poured into them at mtgs

    AKA The Koolaid.



    Thanks everyone. She seemed back to normal AFTER she got home. I bet that deep down she doesn't want to go.

    HOAB, she does work. She could really advance if she wanted too, but she won't because of theocratic interests. I feel sorry for her. She is getting old, she doesn't take care of herself because Jesus is gonna do it. She is tired, she's looking old, the BIG A is her retirement plan. I can't do anything to make her see TTATT. We have JW "friends" but that's it. There is no real closeness as all JWs basically live for themselves, running around like squirrels trying to collect nuts. They Just don't want to be zapped by Jeehoober.. That's why their love is conditional.


    Thanks for the advice. I am trying to be patient and loving. I think that my skipping field-circus and meetings is too much for her. She is happier if I sit silently at the meetings, which is exactly what I do. I think it's her pride. She doesn't want to be the wife of spiritual weakling.

  • KateWild

    I think that my skipping field-circus and meetings is too much for her. She is happier if I sit silently at the meetings, which is exactly what I do.-DD

    Can you really carry on like this though? Some of your threads tell a different story. Many do just sit quietly and suck it up. Is this your plan? I split with my husband and lost my son. I wouldn't wish that on anyone. Losing a child is devastating. He is violent I had no choice but if you can handle what you put up with, then do so, or plan your exit DD.

    I feel for you right now, you seem to be in a bad place and it's getting worse. Chin up DD we are here for you.

    Kate xx

  • jgnat

    What small things does she do to indulge herself? Is it chocolate, a new lotion, clothes, a good book, music, bubble bath, flowers, dance?

    What might she respond to?

    I think you know where I am heading with this. The cult personality you and I know really well. You are the only one close enough who might recognize signs of her natural personality, and what might cheer her up other than regular meeting attendance.


  • cultBgone

    DD - (((((((((hugs))))))))))

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