Iq Do Not Measure Natural Intelligentia (larc)

by mystikool 50 Replies latest jw friends

  • mystikool

    Here is article from net---

    Recognizing that the Binet test had its limitations, both Binet and Stern doubted IQ scoring actually represented a fixed inborn quantity of intelligence. As Stern wrote in 1914: "No series of tests, however skillfully selected it may be, does reach the innate intellectual endowment, stripped of all complications, but rather this endowment in conjunction with all influences to which the examinee has been subjected up to the moment of testing."

    Despite reservations of these two pioneers, the Binet test was enthusiastically accepted in America. In 1916, a Binet test was administered to a prisoner on trial for murder. Because the prisoner fared so poorly on the test, the Wyoming jury acquitted him by reason of his mental condition.,12910,261445_296826,00.html

  • MarchOn

    Stern. Would that be Howard?

  • HildaBingen

    No it Wilhelm Stern.

    nicht einer gaben anwesen

  • Amazing

    I am interested to see what Larc's response. I agree that IQ is just one component of measurement ... but it is most useful. In the meantime, me thinks that Mystikool may be someone we all know and love. Just a hunch ...

  • MarchOn

    Are Mystikook and Hildy the same person??????????

  • Guest 77
    Guest 77

    Was he any chance a family member of yours? Let me simplify my previous questions to you on another post that you tried to snake out, what's your 'business' on this forum?

    Guest 77

  • waiting

    Wellllllllllll, I took Psych 101, which now puts me in the same realm as Idiots Are Us - finished about a month ago.

    We read over Binet - his test was used in France primarily to try and reach over/under average kids before they just got shuffled aside by the system. According to the book, the French government approached him - as they knew they had an educational problem.

    And then we studied about a half dozen PhD's who had different ideas on IQ - and what it consisted of. Over the decades, the tests a have been redefined because of the way the questions were worded - and the subjects asked about. Obviously, a non-white from a foreign country, not speaking English, little school education wouldn't fare well on a test prior to the 60's/70's. And they didn't - bias was found, and tried to be corrected.

    Interestingly enough, one Psych. strongly promoted the school of thought (they all promoted one, it seems), that there are different KINDS of intelligence - and he identified approx. 6 types. IE: interpersonal, intrapersonal, spatial, motor, music (I think) (and a couple of others I knew long enough for the test.)

    Seems tests are used to TRY and guage people......and I would think it's universal & accepted that the tests are imperfect and prone to private interpretation. But the tests, as continuing to be refined, do target interesting things about people.

    Don't know what the discussion was with Larc......but I've come to the conclusion he usually knows what he's talking about when it psych stuff.....even if he is a man.


  • Imbue

    Unfortunately, it seems that many here that have taken one psych course or have been in a psych ward as a patient think they can diagnose someone.Only a medical Doctor and preferably a Psychiatrist has that privilege. Psych 101 students don't...

    I'm not referring to you waiting but some others

    "The only good elite are dead elite!!"-Naeblis
    (Ok! He borrowed it)

  • Athanasius

    Greetings Hilda-Mystikool,

    Your posts seem to attract a lot of personal attention. However, your postings also reveal that you may be suffering from a very serious mental illness, Multiple Personality Disorder. Though you are unaware of it, you probably have developed at least four separate personalities. MPD is nothing to be ashamed of, its an illness that can be treated. MPD sufferers were often abused as children and developed the different personalities as a defense mechanism. Please seek help from the mental health professionals. They won't laugh or ridicule you, but will be very understanding. Many MPD sufferers have been helped to integrate their separate personalities into one and to lead a successful and happy life.

    For your sake and that of your family, I urge you to seek professional help at once.



  • singsongboi

    clever post athie!!!!!!!!

    darling hilda,

    shown your posts to one of my dyke friends who is a psychiatrist, and who has a high level of success with her patients..

    she does feel she can help you ....

    may be worth a trip out to oz.

    email me now for instant access to help...!!!!

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