Instead of studying more books (which is obviously in your comfort zone), I suggest you make a study of your wife as a book. This will require asking her many questions. Filling out the survey as I suggested will give you the questions to ask. Knowing her personality, interests and dreams hides key to get her out. For instance you may ask,
- Why do you think so-and-so left the truth? (Chances are she will mention HER chief doubt in the answer)
- Did you ever dream of doing anything differently when you grew up? What was that?
- If you could go back in time and change one thing, what would you do?
- If money or time were no object, where would you go and what would you do here on earth?
- Who is the person you would most like to talk to in Paradise, and what would you ask them?
For heart-to-heart conversations, I suggest you time them to be as far away from the meetings as possible, both in time and in distance. The cultic personality wears off the longer you away. Schedule vacations and times away so you can enjoy your wife's natural personality and get to know her as a person.
This exercise has the side-benefit of helping you be a more sensitive and with-it husband!
I've tried to work out how to ask her useful things...unfortunately conversation like this is so far outside my skillset that I'm not sure how to go about it at all. Any question about anything related to the "truth" immediately illicits the cult personality. and, since she was born-in, she never had very big dreams. She's a housewife (though by no means lazy) and enjoys it. That was pretty much her goal, and she's achieved it.