What Violia says in the above thread seems to coincide with my source.
Rumor: New light comes from outside marketing consultants
by Londo111 80 Replies latest watchtower scandals
By eliminating types and antitypes, I wonder if they are manuevering to gradually drop 1914...
They cut ties with Russel, rutherford, Franz. These 3 are the cornerstones of the 'old' doctrines. They will eventually dump 1914 all together. They will wait till people my moms age die off 75 and up. I give it 10 years. People my aunts and uncles ages 50 and up will be elderly by then and too dependant on support to raise an objection. Those my age, between 30 and 50, are already part of the new breed of witness, those that dont know what the hell is going on and just follow blindly. The youngs ones are already part of a more mainstream up to date religion/social club. By then it will be so watered down that it will have little no association with the old relligion other than name.
I say within 10 years:
Different standards for D'fing, in fact it will be rare to be disfellowshipped
Blood completely up to conscience
No 1914 but end will be a composite sign that applies to our day. They will say that Jesus began ruling as soon as he went up to heaven. I dont know how they will prove how the end applies to us solely but we will see.
Armaggedon/paradise will still be the carrot but we shouldnt live with this in mind. We should live to serve him now out of love not fear.
Im just speculating here. It just seems like this is where they are moving towards.
They'll need to do something because their interpretations are only going to appear crazier and crazier among outsiders as the information age grows.
I'm not really sure how they can drop 1914 and still hold onto their alleged 1919 appointment.
I agree that they will be phasing out 1914. However they won't do until they are secure enough in power not to rely upon it. The JW's are being groomed to accept "new light" at face value, without extensive Biblical "proof". How the most recent "generation" change was handled is revealing.
I believe that JW.ORG will be used as a sort of proof of divine favor and GB appointment in the same way that branch office growth was used in the past. However this will be more effective because it will directly impact the lives of JW's, more than a branch office in the middle of Africa.
The "time of your life" style marketing we saw at the regional conventions was a test. The thrust is to get Witnesses EXCITED and PROUD to be a part of a NEW, SHINY modern religion.
The 1800's image of sincere, humble Bible students is giving way to the flashy excesses of the rest of Christendom.
Specifically it seems they are modeling after the Mormons, a sucesssfulr eligion with even crazier backstory then the Watchtower. -
I'm not really sure how they can drop 1914 and still hold onto their alleged 1919 appointment.
I don't think they really need the 1919 appointment, honestly. I'd be willing to bet that 90% don't even know the significance of 1919, nor do they care. They've already been doing without it in spirit for years. Here's how it works:
1. JWs are the only true religion (they're the only ones known for d2d work, they have brotherly love, etc, etc)
2. God is a god of organization (twisting the scripture "god is a god not of disorder but of peace")
3. Obey those taking the lead (Heb 13:17)
4. The GB is taking the lead in the organization.
And that's all it takes. The GB is to be obeyed, they don't have to deal with the pesky details of a 1919 "appointment" that can easily be demonstrated as false. Just unquestioning obedience.
OneEyedjoe hit the nail on the head! Back in the day they atleast tried to provide some kind of reasons or weird logic behind their ideas. Now, I think they realized that witnesses (and people in general) are very very distracted and are just eager to be told what to do, what to think and what to believe. They dont need Freddy Franz logic or Revelation like books anymore. Just point them in the direction and on they go.
This is western society in a nutshell. Technology and social media is turning people into drones. We went out to eat to a hibachi grill this weekend. Now mind you this is a show where the cook does all sorts of tricks in front of the table of 10+. Well it was amazing to see most glued to their phones and ignoring this poor cook.
This is society and the witnesses are not immune to it. The GB/ marketing or consulting company they hired knows this and is simply taking advantage. There is no better time to completely change the religion than now, while everyone is dumb and distracted!
No pesky details needed.
What makes this particularly sad for me is that I had to come to an apostate Web site and rub shoulders with mentally diseased individuals to find all this out.