I really feel sorry for the Elders in these 110,000+ congregations. Right about now they must feel like yoyos!
I'm thinking about the men on the various BOEs I served with. Most are good men. But they easily fit into several catagories.
Most were sincere but dumb, without business savvy, and thus NOT well-off financially. They will just run gung-ho with whatever the Society tells them to do. They won't have much concern about this new arrangement. Likely they donate no more than $25/mo to the Cause. They have complete confidence in the WT Scam, so they will give it full support.
Some are not so dumb and are already seeing through the scam. But, if they are popular within the Organization and if they love the Limelight it gives them and the prestige and admiration, then they will support this as well. They likely, even if they are able, only donate if it's a publicly known situation. That is, they donate TO the CO or they donate when there is a special need discussed by the BOE and they plunk down a check for $100 or $1000 etc. They're only going to spend money on the Corporation when it benefits them and wins them points. They are just in it for the GLORY.
Others are not so dumb and are already seeing through the scam but they are Captives -- family, friends, etc. They will sit there in SILENCE. They will be afraid of saying anything negative. Their personal response will be to simply quit giving, or at least to give less. They will still talk the talk, but they will quit supporting the WTS Monster with their pocketbook.
The ones who will be fleeced are the older JWs who have their entire lives tied up in the Organization, esp the elderly women or the elderly couples where the man has never served and thus they have no way of learning the inside operations of it all. They genuinely will feel they are giving their "gold" to build the tabernacle for Jehovah and that there is no better use for it. They will do without things for themselves, their children, and their grand children. After all, with the end SO NEAR, they can live without those little luxuries.