I just hope this nonsence wakes a few up
Additional BOE Letter: Please Be Advised that Further Direction Will Soon be Sent to the Bodies of Elders...
by TTATTelder 103 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
They read the letter last night in my KH. It was really awkward. The Eldub is a nice guy, but deluded. He basically made it clear that our bills are NOT going away. In fact, we have one more "resoved donation" besides our regular "voluntary donations" I can't really understand this new arrangement, unless it is mainly to re-shuffle assets. Here is why i say this.
My Congo was paying out $1,500.00 per month in total expenses. $300.00 of that has been "forgiven" by the WTBTS. So now we are $300.00 ahead. EVERYONE is thinking, " Well, why not just continue to donate as usual? We are obviously able to afford that "extra" $300.00, so just go with that amount." So I don't know if anyone will increase donations at all.
Then they passed out the survey, and said we have 2 weeks to "pray" about it. Then they said to turn it in next week...
The emphasis was kept on the "WORLD WIDE PROJECTS" during the discussion. I wondered, " How is a surplus going to off-set a deficiency when those with deficiencies are asked to donate even more? If they can't donate, then obviously the past arrangement didn't work. or there would be no deficiencies. If no one is thinking of actually increasing their personal donations because we are $300.00 ahead, and that will just be the new "resolved" donation, then NOTHING has changed at all. There still won't be a surplus, just a re-shuffling." Does that make sense??
Also, funny story, during the highlights Elders and Elder's wives commented on the priviledge of giving our valuable things to the Org. That tells me the Eldubs told their wives ahead of time and had them comment during the highlights.
Holy Spirit must've been napping the first time around.
Incidentally, it's hilarious WT deems itself qualified to print a revised NWT when it can't even get a BOE letter right. LOL.
" now the Society needs to collect the sheep in one place again and calm them down."
Maybe they can calm them by stroking their genitals???
Maybe they can calm them by stroking their genitals???
According to WT, this leads to homosexuality.
"This happens much more frequently than you may realize" (YY, ch.5, p.39)
The emphasis was kept on the "WORLD WIDE PROJECTS" during the discussion. I wondered, " How is a surplus going to off-set a deficiency when those with deficiencies are asked to donate even more? If they can't donate, then obviously the past arrangement didn't work. or there would be no deficiencies. If no one is thinking of actually increasing their personal donations because we are $300.00 ahead, and that will just be the new "resolved" donation, then NOTHING has changed at all. There still won't be a surplus, just a re-shuffling." Does that make sense??
The difference is that before, once you paid off the loan, that extra $300 would no longer be needed. Either people would reduce the amount that they donate once it's announced that the loan is paid for, or the extra $300 would go into the congregation's account. With the new arrangement, that $300 will continue to be paid forever, likely with future pressure to increase the amount yearly.
"It is our privilege to be working alongside you during these momentous last days."
The irony of this statement is palpable, considering that - IMO - we're witnessing (no pun intended) the "momentous last days" of the WTS...
" With the new arrangement, that $300 will continue to be paid forever, likely with future pressure to increase the amount yearly."
Is that what the letter is referring to when it "suggests" to the Elders to "resolve" the same amount as their payment?? If I understand correctly, that is what is being kept from the sheep. I also wonder if the Eldums realize what we suspect, that is, an indefinite "resolved donation."
Is that what the letter is referring to when it "suggests" to the Elders to "resolve" the same amount as their payment?? If I understand correctly, that is what is being kept from the sheep. I also wonder if the Eldums realize what we suspect, that is, an indefinite "resolved donation."
Yep. In halls that have a loan (even if it's going to be paid off in 3 months) they're not supposed to bother passing out slips and just resolve to continue paying AT LEAST as much as their current loan payment. They'll then throw away the loan documents (who needs 'em now!) and there will be no evidence of when the loan would have been paid off. Then next May when they go to pass a new resolution, they'll make sure to make it for at least as much as the previous year, and that'll continue forever.
I half expect the new letter they said to wait on will re-emphasize that they expect congregations that had a loan payment to continue paying at least as much as the payment. They're probably not so concerned about people misunderstanding whether or not to put down their total dontation or just the amount to send for this new fund, but I sure bet they're worried when they hear that people think their loan has been forgiven and they no longer have to pay it.
LOL @ "momentous last days"