Update on answers so far. As it stands, we can defintely say:
1. We are no closer to know what spirit is
2. Those giving answers vary wildly, there is nothing even close to a consensus
- Spirit is a metaphor
- Angels and demons are not spirit
- Angels and demons ARE spirit (no answer as to what spirit is)
- It is breath (meaning plants and paramecium also have spirit)
- It's the holy ghost (with no answer as to what spirit is)
- It's the non-physical part of people (no answer as to what spirit is)
- It's how you hear God (no answer as to what spirit is)
- It connects to our consciousness to form reality (no explanation of what spirit is or how that works)
- It connects us to higher dimensions (no explanation of what that is or how that works)
- It's the lifeforce or spark of life (no explanation of what that is or how that works)
- Alcohol
- Undetectable non-physical God-stuff
- Human motivation (metaphor for something else)
- Oxygen
- The seat of emotions (no explanation of what that it, metaphor)
- Information (no answer as to what that means)
- Humans aren't privy to that information yet (after a claim of what it was)
- Future existence but also nothing (no explanation of what that is)