What is spirit, exactly?

by Viviane 609 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • galaxie

    Sorry Viv I must have meant to ask but obviously didn't.

    It was just to ask if you had an opinion on what can be called human spirit if you think there is such a thing and if so what you would describe it as?

    Of course the baby has developed because of all the things you mention but baby will have no further existence unless it takes a breath.That is key to its future life and development of its descriptive spirit as I have outlined previously.

  • Viviane

    Of course the baby has developed because of all the things you mention but baby will have no further existence unless it takes a breath.That is key to its future life and development of its descriptive spirit as I have outlined previously.

    Again, that's true of a lot of things, not just breathing. Still arbitrary. You're not telling what is so special and unique and one thing out of millions. You're simply describing the quickest route to death if the baby can't do it. Some babies are born before they ever get to take a breath. Did they have no spirit?

    It was just to ask if you had an opinion on what can be called human spirit if you think there is such a thing and if so what you would describe it as?

    Personally I think it's just a metaphor for how we act and our motivation. As in "the spirit of friendship" or "a spirited person".

  • galaxie

    Hi viv...I would say if a baby dies in the womb it has not benefited from the physical force of life it needs fir independent existence(from the mother) therefore no physical spirit in its lungs and no chance of developing the traits which would give rise to the content of your reply to my question thanks.

    May I pose another...the first description of the word spirit in my Collins dictionary is FORCE of life would you

    have an opinion on what it is referring to as force or if you think there is such a force related to spirit?2

  • Viviane

    Again, your whole definition is arbitrary. What if a child is born and dies before it can take it's first breath? What if it is born and tries to breath but has underdeveloped lungs? I think it's interesting that you think that unless a life takes one independent breath, it has no spirit. What about people that need ventilation assistance to breath? Do they no longer have a human spirit?

    I think it is referring to the myth that there is a mystical force that provides life. It's a substitution of one undefined term for another.

  • galaxie

    If the baby is born but fails to breath it dies no chance to breath the spirit or force of life

    Ifit's lungs are underdeveloped they can't handle spirit or force of life effectively assistance would therefore be required for the baby to benefit from the force of life spirit oxygen to allow it a chance of survival.

    WhatI meant by independent is independent of the mother who provided its oxygen in the womb.

    As for the dictionary definition I suppose we would have to know what the composer of the description meant.

    I prefer to see it as a physical force as opposed to supernatural.

  • Viviane

    So, at the end of the day, your answer is "spirit = life force = breathing". It's just a metaphor for breathing. So when you write:

    "If it's lungs are underdeveloped they can't handle spirit or force of life effectively assistance would therefore be required for the baby to benefit from the force of life spirit oxygen to allow it a chance of survival.", we can rephrase that as "If it's lungs are underdeveloped they can't handle breathing or force of breathing effectively assistance would therefore be required for the baby to benefit from breathing oxygen to allow it a chance of survival."

  • cofty

    Occam's Razor galaxie!

    Dispose of the concept of spirit and you have lost precisely nothing.

  • galaxie

    Not exactly viv,..Breathing is only facilitated by force of life oxygen no force no breathing.

    it is all physical spirit oxygen force of life

  • cofty

    Breathing is only facilitated by force of life oxygen no force no breathing

    Medieval psuedoscience.

    There is no "Life-force".

    it is all physical spirit oxygen force of life


  • galaxie

    Not exactly viv,..Breathing is only facilitated by force of life oxygen no force no breathing.

    it is all physical spirit oxygen force of life

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