What is spirit, exactly?

by Viviane 609 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • caliber

    Vivian what would you have said to my daughter who, when little , kept saying "I want a cookie ..I want a cookie ..I want a cookie ?

    You tell her ... the cookie jar has no cookies,you show , you promise that tomorrow we can pick some up at the store.

    Then she starts again " I want a cookie... I want a cookie ... I want a cookie"

  • Viviane

    So, you're answer is that you don't have an answer, "Caliber doesn't know". That's not a problem. Recognizing one's own ignorance of a subject is a wonderful thing, you know where your gaps and areas for improvement.

    It's not at all like a child begging. Don't be ridiculous.

  • cofty

    It is the sum of the different levels of vibratory energy which gives rise to singular consciousness - Caliber

    Have you been listening to that master of woo woo Depak Chopra?

  • caliber

    Listen cofty I got a good laugh reading the woo woo Depak chopra site . I get your point

    They say if you can't put your thoughts in simple words ... you really don't understand what you're talking about.

    The question however is when it comes to God & spirits etc. .....is this something we mere human's can understand fully at this time ?

    Ecl. 11:5 We can not explain His spirit

    Job 36:26 He is beyond searching in years or existence

    The only clue in understanding is this verse "God is light... in Him there is no darkness at all"

    God is light, God is love .. and love and it's intent is the glue that bonds the universe together

    He exist in some form of "subtle energy" which we can not comprehend fully

    If you reject the Bible as a source of information... and wish to know what God is (or is made of )

    and all the reasons why He does things the way He does....

    before any measure of faith is shown , then you'll be waiting about the same length of time that Vivane is to get her answer .

    To say that if we can not " fully "explain the person of God ... therefore He can not exist , is not a wise choice IMHO

  • Viviane

    If you reject the Bible as a source of information... and wish to know what God is (or is made of ) and all the reasons why He does things the way He does....before any measure of faith is shown , then you'll be waiting about the same length of time that Vivane is to get her answer .

    As will you. You keep switching bewteen "humans can't know" and something that makes absolutely no sense and explains nothing. I will be waiting exactly as long as it takes someone to figure it out, which is how long everyone will be waiting.

    So far, we are no closer to an answer.

  • Twitch

    Safe to say then that spirit doesn't exist?

  • Viviane

    No evidence so far.

  • caliber

    So "we" must conclude that the whole thread was a calossal waste of time .... that is what the "evidence" does point to

    right ?

  • Ruby456

    and we still don't know what breathering is exactly. how can be possibly know what spirit is exactly.

    caliber I don't think the thread is a waste of time if viv can admit that we don't know what anything is exactly.

  • snare&racket

    Erm we do know what breathing is.......... right down to the atomic level.

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