What is spirit, exactly?

by Viviane 609 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Viviane

    are there not life-forms on earth er in the deep sea that do not rely on the oxigen cycle for ife's function, energy use, reproduction, growth?

    Yes, there are. See http://phys.org/news189836027.html

    sorry if I did not make my point clear,but when I refer to breathing I dont mean that the act of breathing is the spirit but is used in terms of taking breath (air oxygen)which is the bodies way of staying alive by using the force of the air in our lungs.

    And one more, galaxie. You don't mean breathing but rather, the act of taking breaths? It's a distinction without a difference. How at all is it different?

  • TheWonderofYou

    Dear, Vivian, what is now discussed, spirit as "source of life"?

  • Viviane

    It can be anything you like. The question is "what is spirit made of". I was specifically thinking of angels, God, Satan, the holy ghost, demons, etc., but it's restricted to just that.

  • caliber

    What is spirit made of ? It is the sum of the different levels of vibratory energy which gives rise to singular consciousness.

    Spirit forms are beyond the violet ray vibration.(Roy G Biv ...7 rainbow colors )

  • Viviane

    Caliber, what do you mean by "the sum of the different levels of vibratory energy". What is this vibratory energy? Where does it come from, what is vibrating and what, specifically are you adding to reach a sum?

    So far that gets us no closer to an answer.

  • caliber

    We are not made aware of these things silly.. but you won't accept that

    Ecclias 11:5 "just as you are not aware of what is the way of the spirit in the bones in the belly of her that is pregnant in like manner you do not know the work of the true God who does all things."

  • Viviane

    We are not made aware of these things silly.. but you won't accept that

    Quite the contrary, I fully accept "I don't know" as an answer. If you don't know, that's fine, but you can't claim to not know and then make claims about what it is and isn't.

  • caliber

    I am only giving you some sort of shadowy outline of what I beleive is a part of the way it is ...... to appease your lentless

    and what is a futile search accord to scriptures. Stop banging your head on the wall... taunting people for an answer

    You accept that you don't know... what you must do now is accept that you can't know

  • Viviane

    So, you say we don't know and can't know, but you're trying to tell me what you think it is and isn't? And somehow you think I am the one beating my head against the wall?

    I've taunted no one. I would appreciate it if you would refrain from untruths.

    So far, we are no closer to an answer.

  • tootired2care

    I always found it so odd that the only unforgivable sin in that awful book the bible is to offend something that was never even defined -- Holy Spirit. I suspect it was used as means of control, to keep the sheeple tip toeing around in life, paying their tithes and never daring or having the audacity to question the BS of the charlatans who supposedly were guided by this undefined force.

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