First Post - Emotionally Torn

by scaredtospeak 64 Replies latest jw experiences

  • scaredtospeak

    Hello everybody. I haven't been on here long but I found this site a couple days ago and quickly realised it had a lot of posts by people going through similar experiences as me. I read some of the answers and it helped relieve some inner anguish I've been carrying since everything I came clean to my parents about everything I've been reading about.

    I just have been going through a rough patch right now; that might be an under or overstatement depending on your own personal experiences with this kind of stuff. How it all started, in short - I was in biology sophomore year and started leaning more towards evolution than creation as an explanation for the origin of life.

    I feel like this was really the source of my original doubts about the Jehovah's Witnesses organisation as "the truth". When I started doing personal research I stumbled upon Originally, I clicked out because it struck me as apostate material and I immediately assumed it wasn't factual.

    Once I let myself read a few articles I realised something else- it seemed all very factual. Using just the resource of the vast and endless internet I double/triple checked every fact I read on jwfacts and they were all 100% valid.

    I was also doing personal reserach on evolutionary biology and other fields of science that backed it up. But I felt guilty- I FEEL guilty every day. Because I was raised my whole life as one of Jehovah's Witnesses, and now my parents are acting like this is all a crisis. Initially, I hid everything from them. Recently, however, two of my elder brothers left "the truth" and moved away, telling my parents they weren't interested any longer. My parents pulled me aside and asked if I shared any of their doubts, and well, I was honest.

    This "crisis" is now a ginormous elephant in the room every time I spend time with my parents. I feel sick at my stomach every time they want to "talk about it". I have plenty of conviction, and plenty of reasons why I don't want to be a Jehovah's Witness, but every time they look at me I feel downright criminal- like some sort of murderer. They make me feel incredibly guilty about the choices I'm making to think for myself. My mother sent me a really long email about how she feels that Satan has his grasp on me right now. That I'm on a stage for Satan and Jehovah and I have to make my choice. She also asked me to stop reading all the material I have been that "contradicts God's word", and see if I change my mind by the end of the summer.

    But I don't want to do that; all the material from the WTS seems heavily propaganda-fied. Why is it SO wrong for me to seek out "secular" perspective on the matter? I'm aware of biases, but isn't that the same principle for WT material? Isn't their material even moreso biased- to convince me that Jehovah's Witnesses are the ONE TRUE organisation, despite records of doctrine change, political involvement, lies and misquotes?

    If anyone replies to this, I just want to know that someone out there has been through something like this and that maybe all this anguish and depression and feeling hopeless will go away. The only reason I feel so sad is because I have this dread that I'm choosing between my life and my family's happiness. I don't know what to do. I don't know if I should choose what I've learned or give in to this incredibly powerful pull from my parents to go back to mindless submission.

    Please, anybody.

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    Welcome! An amazing story.

    Be glad you've figured this out while you're young and have the rest of your life before you. A LOT of folks on this board spent half their lives trying to put a finger on what seemed "not quite right" with the religion they were raised in.

    I had the same feelings of guilt and betrayal, but they will pass when you realize you've been manipulated by this cult - and by extension, your parents - to feel that way. No better way to control people (fear works pretty well too).

    Don't give up! And go to college!

  • confusedandalone

    " give in to this incredibly powerful pull from my parents to go back to mindless submission."

    Please do not give in... I beg you. Once you know what the truth is you can not unlearn it. Please do not give in

  • krejames

    Hey Scaredtospeak. I can't say I have perso ally had the same experience as you but I can (and many others will) relate to the guilt you're made to feel for deciding tHe WTS doesn't have "the truth". Yes it does become like an elephant in the room. But your parents will come to terms with your decision in time (I'm assuming you're not baptised, right?). One thing that has helped me is to realise that I have no control over the way my family feels about my life choices. It is their choice to feel and react the way they do. Don't feel guilty. Be strong. It will get better.

  • happy@last

    Welcome here. You have tough decisions to make if you stay and live a lie it may affect your health mentally and physically. If you don't you may suffer the same! All I can say is be true to yourself.


    Welcome! If your parents REALLY want to talk, then they will read the 1969 Awake article by the Governing Body about NEVER growing old. They will also be willing to explain why it does not appear in the CD Library. As the family head, your father should call Bethel for you.

    You don't have to attack them or JWs, just make it clear that you will not base your life decisions on the fallible interpretations of humans. If they refuse to consider it, then they don't REALLY want to talk, they just want to preach.


  • out4good3

    The pressure will go away.

    the one thing I've learned in life is that it makes life difficult to almost impossible for you to be happy and sure of your own thoughts and accomplishments if there is too much concern about what other people think of you or how they feel about your life choices. And that is typically what every JW and the organization wants you to do. What you might want to do or think for yourself is always subject to the scrutiny and discretion of the organization and what is of the conscious stricken JW personality you're ever around.

    There is so much time beholding to the demands of the organization that you literally lose who you are.


    Fear, Obligation, and Guilt are the primary tools this organization and people in it use to hold others captive. Once you learn to effectively deal with these three emotions the WT use as a means of control, the pressure will subside and you'll live a much happier life.

  • Indian Larry
    Indian Larry

    You are just on the first step of a very painful journey. I too made the same journey. I too found JWFacts and like you, I double checked everything. Then I read Crisis on Conscience and In Search of Christian Freedom by Raymond Franz. At that point I was so mad at the WT it was crazy. I also looked at the facts that show there was no global flood, and that caused problems. I just about lost all faith completely.

    However as time has passed I have regained some of my faith. I do not believe the WT is the truth. I do not believe any other religion is the truth either. However after listening to people like Proffessor John Lennox of Oxford, William Lane Craig and often listening to both sides of the evolution/creation debate on the "Unbelievable" podcast, I have come to the point where I do believe there is a God. That for me was the first step. I truly believe that whether you choose athiesm or intellegent design there is a certain amount of faith required to believe either viewpoint.

    I have listened to Dawkins several time, and I have listened with an open mind to the athiests, and anti-theists on the Unbelievable Podcast. I read quite a bit as well of all types of books with a wide variety of viewpoints. To me I just can not believe that the universe, the earth and all the life on it was an accident.

    That being said I still am 100% sure the society is wrong about so many things. I can tell you this for sure though, it is very very very very hard to change the mind of a witness. You can not get them to see the truth about the organization even if you prove the org wrong using the bible and/or the orgs own literature. They truly are brainwashed to a certain extent and trying to go against that is like beating your head against a wall.

    Still, I love my wife and daughter with all my heart. I don't want to lose them. So, I quietly faded. I used some mistakes the elders made as an excuse to stop going to the hall, but I have kept all my friends and family. For me that was the way to go. Others prefer to go out with a bang and burn bridges on the way. I came very close to doing that but now I am so glad that I did not.

    Anyway as you go on your journey always look for the truth. That does not mean a religion, it means go for what you believe is true and right. Be true to yourself. However to know the truth you have to look at all sides of an issue. So please don't give up on God just because of the Watchtower. Just because they are deceptive and wrong does not mean God is. So many witnesses have a problem seperating the organization from God, and when they find out the organization is false they figure God is too.

    To give both sides a fair listen try looking on itunes for John Lennox or William Lane Craig. Listen so some of their debates. Listen to the Veritas forum. Also, while I don't agree with everything he has to say I found Ravi Zacharias to be very interesting to listen to.

    Either way, for me personally I stress how much I love my parents, and family and I don't rub their faces in what I believe (because it just doesn't work) instead I just try to live my life the best I can under the circumstances.

  • OneEyedJoe

    You're absolutely not alone. Thank you for sharing, as your words are bound to be a similar comfort to others as the stories you've read here were to you. I know they are to me.

    I've had many of the same thoughts that you had, but was (for a while, at least) more successful at suppressing them. I would always make excuses for the illogical and circular reasoning often employed in the WT/Awake magazines to explain why evolution is false, why Noah's flood really happened, etc, etc. Eventually I finally started to realize that the truly logical and well-reasoned arguments made in the magazines were, by far, in the minority. I let that fester in me for several years before fully "waking up" and I certainly wish I'd done it sooner.

    For a while I felt guilty for my doubts, but when I realized that I was merely using my "god-given" powers of reason purely motivated by a true desire to find the truth, I realized that there was nothing that I could possibly be guilty of. In the back of my mind, my conscience accused me of being selfish, that I just wanted to be able to sleep in on saturdays and watch TV on thursday nights, but when I made an honest appraisal of my motives, I found that I would be elated if I found that the JWs had the truth, and I would gladly "seek first the kingdom" if that was what was the logical conclusion. It just wasn't. So I hope you are similarly able to fight feeling guilty (it's still a challenge at times for me too) and realize that any difficulties that arrise from your realization are not your own fault. It sounds like you've truely acted out of pure motives to know what really is the truth, if others reject you because of it, that is their choice and their fault, and something that they should feel guilty for, not you. For an organization that throws the word "truth" around so much, it's insightful what happens when you actually set out in search of truth.

    I wish you the best of luck in dealing with your parents. I know mine would go insane if they knew what I truely thought, even more so if it where at your age. Try to be patient, though, and realize that they've been lied to by the organization even more than you have, and they're victims of it as well.

    I feel it need be stated again, though. Never feel guilty for thinking for yourself. Never feel guilty for seeking truth with a pure motive. Never feel guilty for asking questions. Never feel guilty for pointing out flawed reasoning. It's probably going to be impossible to completely avoid feelings of guilt, as it is hammered into anyone who spends any amount of time in the organization. When you start to feel guilt, or doubt your conclusions, remind yourself of how and why you came to them.

  • Londo111

    Welcome, Scaredtospeak.

    A few books you might want to read along your journey is Crisis of Conscience and Combatting Cult Mind Control.

    You and your siblings are not alone. 2 out of 3 raised as JWs no longer are.

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