Welcome! You ARE NOT ALONE. When I read your first post, I felt like I was reading my own story. The only difference is that I'm in my 40's and I went through my awakening about ten years ago, when I was already on my own and married to an elder. Here's what you need to remember:
--Your brain is telling you that there is a problem (well, multiple problems) with this religion. Your brain, not Satan. Your brain is telling you this based on credible evidence. Listen to it. The credible evidence is not going away.
--You are not responsible for your family's happiness and they have no right to imply that you are. You ARE responsible for being respectful and loving to your parents but that does not mean they should control your life or decisions (assuming you are eighteen or older. If you're not, hang in there--you soon will be).
--There is a tremendous amount to learn. Being raised a JW means that, even if you consider yourself fairly well read, you aren't. Exercise your sentience and read credible, authoritative material about evolution, and other phenomenon, written by educated people who actually know what they are talking about (unlike most JW writers).
--Read Ray Franz's Crisis of Conscience. It's amazing.
--Get an education, even if you have to finance it yourself by working full-time. As someone who finally went to college in her thirties and is now a university professor, I can tell you it's worth it.
--You are not guilty of wrongdoing. I felt like I had committed a murder when I finally started researching the Truth About The Truth. Yet all I was doing was exactly what we encourage people of other faiths to do about their own faith! This weird unwarranted feeling was strong evidence that my mind had been messed with.
--Keep coming here and reading and posting. We want to know how you're doing!