@keyser soze
THEY are nothing more than window washers... just as a base minimum. This is a biased generalization and not entirely incorrect.
But as a whole, window washers (generally speaking) in the world are NOT nothing more than window washers. Window washers can be other things as well (family man, artist, writer, toy train collector, etc.). Jehovah's Witness window washers are pretty much JUST Jehovah's Witnesses... and JUST window washers. There's not a lot of depth here, LOL.
There's a different between people who take pride in what they do and therefore do it well (your father and my grandfather was a plumber), and there are people who do it because it means they don't have to think about or interact with the “world.” It is used as a method of muting those who may be good at other things like math, science, engineering, architecture, or the arts.
I agree with your sentiment (I know it doesn't sound like it, sorry). I just don't think there should be TOO much of an offense when discussing people who pigeon-hole themselves into a category on purpose. Just because one makes fun of Witnesses who happen to be part of “Category A” doesn't mean that EVERYONE in “Category A” should be subjected to such arrogance. And in this I find your emotion about the subject justified. We should be more sensitive about expansive categorization that over-simplifies a group of people in sweeping stereotypes just because a minor section of “Category A” happens to be a bunch of crazy cult members with spiritual paranoia and an Armageddon hard on.