I cleaned houses to support myself and my child and work my way through university
to a Bachelor of Arts from the University of California. I was considered "weak in the truth"
because I was going to university, my child and I were attending Kingdom Hall and I was regular
in service as well and still parents shunned me and my child because I had no husband, and I
was in university. I needed help, it was exhausting, the witnesses were the ones who were "snobs"
I have often spoken out on this forum that the majority of witnesses are high school grads at best.
Not to be mean, but to emphasize that personal development and using your inborn talents and skills
and encouraging your children to expand their lives through education is obviously and openly
discouraged by the WT. Education and a career is a protection. The jantor in a college works harder
than the professors, but at 55 or 65 the professor can retire with a large income from his pension
while the janitor labors on. Hard physical labor rarely has a great deal of protection in the way of
paid sabaticals, pensions ( teachers get 80% of their pay in retirement for life ) Janitors are not
considered worth that kind of support. The WT prefers to take up all your time, have you working
at jobs that exhaust you and to only be able to sit down at a meeting.