My Elderette is attempting to change the subject again

by Faithful Witness 31 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Londo111

    Marked (always an interesting read!)

  • redvip2000

    to her than a good source of time-counting for her monthly report!

    That's the key! You are an easy hour of preaching. This way she doesn't have to roam the streets. She can just come over, and preach to you in a confy chair over tea and cookies.

    I'm almost sure even after she realizes that there is no way she can bring you back in, she will still want to come over and visit.

  • jookbeard

    her comment that Jesus is not even an accurate rendtion is probably one of the most pathetic straw man reasonings I've heard in some time, stop these vistis ASAP, your talking to a brick wall. She keeps on suggesting to study the Teach Book again and you said you'd think about it! huge mistake ! what were you thinking? for the umpteenth time you are being too nice to her , put your foot down !

  • Listener

    It's great that you come here and post in detail about what is being said. No doubt many of us have heard it all but the way you are dealing with it is very helpful. Not only do you show a lot of confidence, which is encouraging to observers but you disect the conversations for us and I know I'm learning from it.

  • hamsterbait


    All those hours of your one and only life; and you can NEVER get them back!!

    HB xx

  • leaving_quietly

    Jesus is reigning on his heavenly throne NOW, but will eventually be giving the authority back to his father. (Therefore, we need to keep Jehovah above Jesus).

    There is no disagreement the Father is greater than the Son. The issue is that JWs don't do what Jesus said to do.

    For example, here's a rare scripture in JW land:

    For the Father judges no one at all, but he has entrusted all the judging to the Son, so that all may honor the Son just as they honor the Father. Whoever does not honor the Son does not honor the Father who sent him. - John 5:22,23

    How can one be honoring the Son if they continue to do an end-run around him? And how about this?

    Jesus said to him: “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." - John 14:6

    Ask a JW what that means, and they'll likely say, 'we pray in Jesus name'. Is that what it means? Have you ever been told to go to a particular person for something, but you ignore it and go over his head? How do you think either of those people feel about that? Didn't God give Jesus a covenant for a kingdom? (Luke 22:29) Didn't he give Jesus all authority in heaven and on earth? (Matt 28:18) And especially in relation to the congregation? (Eph 1:22) Didn't God say to listen to his son? (Matt 17:5)

    And so if we're doing an end-run around and saying the congregation is directed by God and that this is "God's visible organization", isn't that doing the opposite of what God said and inspired writers to say? Even the apostles had the clear idea that all things belong to us, we belong to Christ, Christ belongs to God. (Eph 3:21-23)

  • Faithful Witness
    Faithful Witness

    I appreciate all your comments and concerns. I am learning a lot from my meetings with Miss K and Miss W.

    I am going to use the paragraphs on pages 8 & 9, to show Miss K my reasononing for asking so many questions. If she can't follow through on answering any questions, then this book study will not last long.

    HAVE you ever noticed the way children ask questions? Many start asking as soon as they learn to speak. With wide, eager eyes, they look up at you and ask such things as:

    #1 Wouldn't it be better to teach people the proper name for God, than to continue to use the erroneous pronunciation "Jehovah" even though it is more familiar?

    What good is it to pass on a false name, simply because it has come down through years of tradition?

    Shouldn't we be more interested in accuracy, than in tradition? (Matthew 7:13 " Thus you make the word of God invalid by your tradition that you have handed down. + And you do many things like this.”)

    #2 If it is so important to continually use God's name in Hebrew, then why did Jesus only address Him as "Father?"

    And why did He teach His disciples to address Him as "Father?"

    I have more questions than most people do... and I gladly accept their label of me as a kindergartener. My son is a kindergartener, and his questions are quite astounding at times! I won't stop asking questions.


    I would ask, " May I ask you an honest question, and I really want you to reason on this before you answer. [ You must be in control of the conversation] How can we have a meaningful adult conversation when you can't or won't stick to one subject?"

    It usually requires a JW to be placed on a witness stand in court to make them answer questions, so you have your work cut out for you. I would just keep asking about God's name. Mkae sure that she knows you don't think the pronounciation really matters, it's the JW claim of being the sole channel of "truth" based on the name JEHOVAH. That's what you have to emphasize. You have to make her reason on that. It's one tripod of the JW trinity of "truth." Then you can go from there.

    Tell her you need proof from the BIBLE that using the name "JEHOVAH" makes JWism "THE TRUTH." If she is really honest, she will have to admit that saying "JEHOVAH" doesn't really prove anything as far as JWs being the only "true Christians"


  • wannabefree

    Be careful Faithful Witness, your elderette is planting seeds and they may just grow with enough water fertilizer and time.

  • jookbeard

    I'm with WMF here, you know how many converts are recruited this way , next step is "she really does have some valid arguements/ she isnt such a bad person after all," and constantly you keep letting her control the confrontation

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