Glad it's made the manchester evening news, maybe people will start to wake up to this dangerous cult now
Convicted paedophile allowed to grill his victims at Jehovah's Witness meeting
by Sapphy 74 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
"Elders are allowed to investigate..." Juat what are their qualifications as investigators? Have they had any experience in really "investigating" a pedophile case before with irrefutable evidence that was instrumental in convicting the felon? So what is the special qualification that allows these worms to find themselves eligible to "investigate " a case of this magnitude? And after it ha ben proven in a court of law-of-the-land? 'Pray what meat doth this Caesar feed that he is grown so great?'
Correction of the quote
Pray upon what meat doth this Caesar feed that he grown so great"?
breakfast of champions
This seems to be another instance of the "two judicial systems" Finland is inquiring about. . . .
Iown Mylife
The WT cult's claims of being God's official spokesmen are absolutely ridiculous in the face of monumental abuse such as reported in this article.
They HAVE to grab all the money they can - all the respect they used to command is disappearing into nothingness. They are a contemptuous spectacle and disgusting.
MEH.... How do you expect the local Elders to mete out justice if there is no investigation??
That is just wrong on so many levels.
The leadership of this religion have completely lost the thread.
So many people are needlessly and avoidable injured and subjected to great amounts of physical and emotional harm because this religion has turned into a modern day counterpart of the Pharisees of Jesus' day.
Let's review: It's a cult!
The congregation I used to go to had a married Ministerial servant molested a 12 year old girl who was baptized and these dummies disfellowshipped both of them. How they could disfellowship the 12 year old victim is beyound me.
I am glad that the MEN covered the story, but I am appauled this "investigation" went on like this. In a court of law children would not be asked such questions when the CPS are investigating child molestation allegations.
Let's review: It's a cult!-Oub
Kate xx
The damage this does psychologically to the victims should not be underestimated. They go through this gruelling ordeal with no aftercare or support except for a bunch of men who once the judgement is passed down wash their hands of the whole thing.
This must stop. Questions such as whether the experience was enjoyable are irrelevent. Certainly trying to imply that a victim was in some way complict in the act are disgusting. This shows why unqualified men shouldn't be allowed anywhere near these cases.
This was proved in a proper court and court transcripts are available there was no requirement for this sort of meddling.