These are the one the Governing Body of Jehovah's witnesses(R) protect at all costs whereas non perverts are left to the dogs.
Convicted paedophile allowed to grill his victims at Jehovah's Witness meeting
by Sapphy 74 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
It’s understood Rose was finally ‘disfellowshipped’ after complaints to the police and Charity Commision.
That really says a lot about JWs.
How much more evidence do we need of the Watchtower's godlessness and evil heart?
(Ephesians 2:2) . . .the spirit that now operates in the sons of disobedience (those who disobey "the truth of the Good News", accumulate followers, take them captive, starve them spiritually, and abuse them spiritually).
I had to endure the trauma of relating my tale of sexual abuse by elder/step-creep before a panel of three crusty elders when I was 10 years old. i was not allowed to have my mother with me. I was asked to describe the abuse in detail which I did. The question that really shut me down emotionally was "Are you sure he wasn't just showing you fatherly affection?" I realized with that question they didn't believe a word I said...of course they did nothing to the creep. He went on to molest both my sisters and had already been accused of molesting my babysitter. I lobbied for years to bring this animal to JW justice as I was comvinced by my mother and elders that we could not involve the police. When I was in my 20s this animal was finally dfd for the abuse because my one sister finally agreed to speak to elders. It was too late to involve the police by then. He was reinstated a mere year or two to continue molesting in a congregation in NC.
The trauma of meeting the elders twice was as bad as the actual abuse. My heart goes out to these victims...and how they were made to participate in this kangaroo court.
Teary Oberon
To my knowledge, not a single one of the 3 women was still a Witness at the time of the meeting. The original accuser from 1995 that had her claims rejected by a jury was said to have left the congregation immediatley after, along with her family. The second girl's family was claimed by Cedars to no longer be Witnesses, so it is likely that she wasn't either. The third girl was DF'ed for drinking, sex and running wild before the second trial concluded. so how exactly can anyone make the claim that they were 'coerced' or 'forced' into attending? It is a bunch of nonsense.
All three attended entirely voluntarily. I do not think they nor anyone else has a right to complain about their own free choices, especially the first girl who a jury agreed was making up her claims anyways.
OMG! Where is the compassion????? Why didn't the elders just get the court transcripts and READ them!!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?
OMG! Where is the compassion????? Why didn't the elders just get the court transcripts and READ them!!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?.....4thgen
Aunt Fancy
This is beyond disgusting! Eight ignorant elders sat there and questioned them instead of taking the court records and keeping this creep out of the KH And protecting the children. How do these men sleep at night knowing what they did to these girls. When you think you have heard it all something like this comes up and there is no doubt that it is a wicked cult. Jehovah's Witnesses wake up!!
Teary Oberon
Could you post the source of your information please?
LoisLane looking for Superman
FreeGirl2006... I am so sorry for what you have endured. How are you doing?
As to the OP, I am speechless, and my heart is heavy for these abused persons.