...The WBT$ Theft of Kingdom Hall Bank Accounts and JW Elders...

by OUTLAW 162 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    g1975 9/8 26
    …is it not a comfort for them to know that in the local congregation of Jehovah’s witnesses they will never be tithed to pay out a percentage of their income? Nor will unscriptural money-raising schemes be imposed on them. It is at the Kingdom Hall that an unobtrusive contribution box is located for use by those who wish voluntarily to give money to support the work of the congregation. Donations mailed to the headquarters of the Watch Tower Society are also unsolicited and entirely voluntary.

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    There are three kinds of people in the world:

    1. Those who make things happen

    2. Those who watch things happen

    3. Those who say, "what happened?"

    The vast majority of JWs are #3. They won't realize they've been shaken down (mugged by a corporation) until the money is gone and they are left with nothing but an empty bank account and more disillusionment.

    Elders? Some have a conscience and have read all four pages of the letter to their congregations (as reported here on JWN), but most will simply allow themselves and every JW they know to be fleeced by WT. It's all for Jehovah™, don't you know??

  • jam

    How can this cult get away with this stuff.

    IRS: Tax exempt organiztions

    Unrelated Business income is not tax exempt. For most organizations

    unrelated business income is income from a trade or business regularly

    carried on, that is not substantially related to the charitable, educational

    or other purpose that is the basis of the organization's exemption.

    An exempt organization that has $1.000 or more of gross income

    from an unrelated business must file form 990T.

    So I'm I correct, the WT pay some taxes from their investments.

    It must be someway to bring this organization down, they brought the

    Mafia down, certainly the IRS can bring down the WT.....

  • life is to short
    life is to short

    Great post Outlaw If only more people would stand against evil the world would be such a better place, I just do not get those who still can sit at meetings knowing that child molesters and now this stealing of money are sitting next to them and worse knowing that they go door to door. It just makes my blood boil to think of this and yet most just go with the flow, to me they are just at evil as those who do the crime.


  • Scully

    This is a perfect opportunity for anyone still actively attending Meetings™ at the Kingdom Hall™ to vote very loudly and definitively by snapping closed their wallets and checkbooks and never opening it to the JWs / WTS again.

    It's exactly what Mr Scully and I did many years before we actually left - certain activities and initiatives produced a 'rotten smell in Denmark', as Shakespeare put it - and we decided that we weren't going to part with our hard earned money.

    What, exactly, is the WTS going to do if individual regular JWs stop donating? What can they do? They've told JWs for years and years not to pursue wealth or higher education and now they're reaping the results of dispensing that advice.

    The more they demand money, the more they are going to resemble other churches that place heavy financial demands on their followers. Just because there's no plate passed at the KH, doesn't mean they aren't pressuring members to cough up more cash. They've been at this racket for over 100 years, and they've only become better at it, putting a spin on it to make it seem like they're the best option for charitable giving, while at the same time giving exactly NOTHING back to the people supporting them. At least other churches make some kind of effort to do good in the community - soup kitchens, homeless shelters, hospital volunteers, etc.

    The WTS is and always has been one of the most greedy opportunistic financial parasites to masquerade as a religion.

  • Stealth

    The active ones I've spoken to have indicated that they see it as a loving arrangement.

    Of course they would. Does that absolve JW elders from doing the right thing taking a stand on this issue? As long as the wool remains pulled over the eyes of the flock.... its all good?

    Most who fall victim to a con don't realize it until it's to late.

    The WTBT$ is the Bernie Maddoff of religion.

    Unfortuanatly many JW elders are just agents for the Watchtower. They are loyal to the GB not the flock they claim to protect.

    It's really sad to see good trusting people getting ripped off by these criminals. It's even sadder that elders who are awake to TTATT stand by and say nothing.

  • Oubliette

    Coco, great quote.

    Armageddon didn't come in '75, but the current GB is sure here now!

    What's in your wallet? The hand of the WTBTS!

  • Imminent1975

    Scully said, "This is a perfect opportunity for anyone still actively attending Meetings™ at the Kingdom Hall™ to vote very loudly and definitively by snapping closed their wallets and checkbooks and never opening it to the JWs / WTS again. "

    I also closed my wallet in the early nineties, after I return home from working at Bethels around the world. I didn't get cancer free till about 6 years ago.

    It makes me wonder if many of the brothers/sisters/congregations have stopped donating or possibly donations have just fallen off a cliff? Is this a case that the society/GB are astounded at the lack of contributions and basically flex their bully control to wrestle the funds away from the congregations? It makes me think that their introducing a new and improved Silver Sword NWT Bible was not so profitable considering the cost.

    Is the GB/Society somewhat panicking that their waters are drying up and that they have sold their property in Brooklyn and are anxious about having enough money to finish Warwick?

    Has anyone heard of whether the assembly halls were also instructed to give any excess funds to HQ? I would assume they have. I know that some of the assembly halls are sitting on a small fortune in excess of several millions per site. Now whether they already had these funds "on loan" to the society I don't know.

    This type of fleecing of already beaten up people just makes me sick.

  • dazed but not confused
    dazed but not confused

    Owtlaw- I agree 100% with what you’ve posted.

    Marking to see how this plays out. Do the active elders who lurk and or post here have the guts to stand up for what is right?

  • LoisLane looking for Superman
    LoisLane looking for Superman

    ---->> Imminent1975. I am glad you are okay now.

    It makes me ill to think of these modern day Highway Robber's.

    As a little girl, handing out invitations at the door and doing street work wearing small plackards , ( sp sorry) everything featured said FREE.


    Everyone that wanted to could donate, or not.

    WT always said they have God's backing, and never need to ask for money, ever!

    "Mother"... GB/ Writing Dept/Legal Dept is guilty of being LIARS and GREEDY PERSONS and guilty of DISHONEST GAIN!!!

    They should ALL be disfellowshipped !!!

    I spit on your mother's grave you viper's!


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