If sufficient funds are not available for all resolved donations in a particular month, additional funds should not be solicited. The elders should determine what amounts from the congregation funds that are available at the end of the month will be applied toward the resolved monthly donation(s) and whether the shortfall should be made up in future months. However, it would be appropriate for the elders to remind the congregation of the resolved monthly commitments. If the congregation can no longer contribute the amount(s) they resolved on a regular basis, the elders may consider the situation at the next annual review of the resolution for Kingdom Hall and Assembly Hall construction worldwide.
Is it only me or, are the above highlighted statements a contradiction?
So if sufficient funds are not available dont ask for additional funds, but tell the cong to meet the commitment.?????
So how would you meet the commitment (when in a shortfall month) without asking for additional funds? just magic the money from thin air?