Could There Be Another Mass Exodus From This Cult?

by mrquik 89 Replies latest jw friends

  • A.proclaimer

    Mass exodus.. maybe. I do believe people will start questioning 1914, or have some thoughts about it. Problem is that they're so hooked on what the Governing body says, and having this unquestionable power, they can tell the flock to just listen, be patient, and continue on with how things are going, it's already been done as with the Watchtower articles a few months back. People will wait. With all this time invested in the religion, to even think against it and the teachings is unthinkable. Islandman made a good point that disassociating was easier in 1975, and 1975 pushed peoples hopes to seeing the end of this system of things, but 2014 hasn't. I do believe though that people will fade post 1914, especially those on the edge. The commands to listen and obey can only last for so long before people find out something is wrong.

    history has shown that after time of being ruled by men with unquestionable power, people uprise and they fall. Either that or a split happens.

  • Crazyguy

    I think when they came out with that generations chage in 1995.and again in 2010.and people didn't leave in mass that was the Que for the gb to realize that those that are left are really stupid and will believe whatever we say. Most now leave because of the way there treated and not over doctrine. As the decline become more obvious they will then lie about the numbers.

  • Bob_NC

    Every great beast dies in fits and starts. Then roars back for one last appearance of grandeur just before the finale.

    I say yes. I prophecy (turned prophet just today) several mini-mass exoduses. Then quiet again with far less active membership. And far less funds and far less life in the Org. The end is just around the corner. We are in the last part of the last days. :))

  • gingerbread

    Look (or remember) around at the next convention or assembly. The halls and auditoriums are filled with couples in their 70's and 80's - at least here in America. The great majority of these older folks came into 'the truth' during the 1960's and 70's. When their children bury these parents (with dreams of never dying) they will stop attending. The grandchildren of these older ones may be baptized as young Jehovah's Witness children - but they are mentally out or 'inactive'; going through the motions as good JW kids.

    Membership is not increasing through proselytizing. The quantity of raised in/born in Jehovah's Witnesses that remain active is shrinking. It's just a matter of time.

    Unless....a scandal comes to light. A scandal from within that causes many to lose their faith in the Organization. A scandal so powerful and public that the Watchtower and it's Governing Body loses it's role as mankind's source for salvation in the eyes of the current faithful.

    It's just a matter of time.


  • kneehighmiah

    On the way out said

    I hope I am wrong. But I see smaller numbers waking up at each point. I see younger ones leaving at adulthood or getting DF'ed and never going back. I see the organization peaking somewhere around where it is now. (I think it peaked after 7 million and the numbers are slightly bogus now.) But the shrinking of the organization would go past my lifetime, maybe another 100 years.

    i agree. The numbers are bogus. I've never seen them achieve 8 million witmesses, but they keep saying that number like its a fact. Does anyone have a link to the most recent figures? In my area 2 people got baptized at the assembly. The com asked all young people under 21 to stand during his part. I laughed to myself, wow they're doomed. They don't have enough young ones to continue indefinitely.

  • factfinder

    When did a mass exodus take place before?

    I began studying in 1976, that year saw a 2% increase.

    In 1977 there was a 1% decrease and in 1978 a 1.4% decrease. Then 1979 had an increase of 0.5% and in 1980 an increase of 3.5% with a new all-time peak in pubs.

    This was the aftermath of 1975. But there was no "mass exodus."

    It will be interesting if 2015-16 bring small decreases. But the new headquarters in 2017 and related hype/exitement could cause another all time peak.

    Perhaps there will be small decreases at various times but I think jws will still be around long after I'm gone.

  • Magnum

    gingerbread: Look (or remember) around at the next convention or assembly. The halls and auditoriums are filled with couples in their 70's and 80's - at least here in America. The great majority of these older folks came into 'the truth' during the 1960's and 70's. When their children bury these parents (with dreams of never dying) they will stop attending. The grandchildren of these older ones may be baptized as young Jehovah's Witness children - but they are mentally out or 'inactive'; going through the motions as good JW kids.

    Membership is not increasing through proselytizing. The quantity of raised in/born in Jehovah's Witnesses that remain active is shrinking. It's just a matter of time.

    Unless....a scandal comes to light. A scandal from within that causes many to lose their faith in the Organization. A scandal so powerful and public that the Watchtower and it's Governing Body loses it's role as mankind's source for salvation in the eyes of the current faithful.

    It's just a matter of time.

    That's what I observe in my area of the U.S., too. I just don't see any really stable, intelligent, well-rounded prospects to keep the next generation of JWs going. Each successive generation seems to go down in quality. I see no prospects in my area for elders to take over when the current crop gets too old. Attendance at meetings seems slim. Meetings are just boring; they suck the life out of me when I go. The material is dumbed down compared to what it used to be. I, too, think it's just a matter of time. Maybe the org will continue to exist in some form, sort of like the Bible Students (the followers of C.T. Russell -, but who even knows they exist? I believe the glory days for the org are over and it's going to be downhill from now on.

  • metatron

    Privately, there are many elders who recognize what Magnum observes. Long before they encounter zero growth, they will encounter dependent, even cancerous growth.

    I think that's where they are now. More publishers but so what?


  • Barrold Bonds
    Barrold Bonds

    Something to remember too is that there's ALREADY a 60%+ churn rate and it's over 75% for teens and young adults. That's pretty evident in western lands. Most of the growth is in all the other countries. Those countries will eventually become more secular as well and turn away from religion. That might be some time off but yeah you'll see the increase start slowing down and that churn go up.

  • whathappened

    There are a lot of people I know who have left lately who say they aren't going back. I too, think they have peaked.

    I purpsoefully bring JWs up when speaking with new people i meet. JWs are seen as a doomsday cult by most of them.

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