Could There Be Another Mass Exodus From This Cult?

by mrquik 89 Replies latest jw friends

  • daringhart13

    Wow......well said wallsofjericho.....

    The vast majority of JW's couldn't tell you a damn thing about doctrine, where to find a scripture or the difference between Noah and Moses.

    They will always be around in some form. One thing is for certain, if this 1914 'generations' garbage doesn't wake someone up...nothing will.

  • sarahsmile

    It means nothing! If everyone left tomorrow there would still be JW. GB would just hire someone to run the internet site. Actually at their age it would be the best thing to happen. More money for them and they could retire.

    I am sure they get real tired if dealing with the garbage and would love to shut it down but the organization is a beast.

    With or without people it will live on.

  • Vidiot

    julia orwell - "...there won't be a mass exodus but a stream of people..."

    Um... aren't they kinda the same thing?

    I mentioned this before, but has it occurred to anyone that maybe we are the exodus?

    metatron - "Either the organization is in worse shape than we know or they are consciously liquidating it."

    Have you considered that maybe it's a little from Column A and a little from Column B? Like they're consciously liquidating it because it's in worse shape than we know?

    As a way of managing the decline without tipping off the R&F?

  • Pistoff

    "Don't be surprised if Watchtower implements a new draconian policy in the near future that says inactive ones who miss x number of consequetive meetings will be considered as having disassociated themsleves and are to be treated the same as those who have formally disassociated themselves."

    Agreed, I think this is a real possibility, though it may be an unofficial rule.

  • Vidiot

    Pistoff - "I think this is a real possibility, though it may be an unofficial rule."

    You're not the first one to suggest this. Probably won't be the last, either.

    It's definately something that could concievably develop from the WTS's current mindset.

  • 4thgen

    Some will leave. Money is a great motivator for many.

  • sarahsmile

    "Don't be surprised if Watchtower implements a new draconian policy in the near future that says inactive ones who miss x number of consequetive meetings will be considered as having disassociated themsleves and are to be treated the same as those who have formally disassociated themselves."

    Inactive ones are marked! They are considered bad association it is a silent disassociation.

    It so obvious that when elders do not speak to certain individuals they are marked. Congregation notice and does the samething.

    Elders also mark ones because they do not like them or in my brothers case his shirt was hanging out.

    Why do you think people stop attending because they have no association.

    Sometimes hidden rules are worse than written rules. X

  • passwordprotected

    I've zero sympathy for anyone in this religion. If they find it hard, if they have doubts, but they choose to stay in, they deserve everything coming their way from the governing body.

    As as for the die hardshiphardship who choose to believe regardless of any info presented to them, f*ck em.

  • metatron

    Fair points, Vidiot.

    The Organization has a long tradition of being highly reactionary. If they are making all these changes, they are afraid of something, no doubt.

    We also may be observing the efforts of different factions within the cult. This also has long been true and noteable as Service vs Writing Depts, for example.

    Has anyone considered that the most dangerous thought relative to the Organization's future is the belief that it is fallible and dying.

    Get a significant % of Witlesses to openly say this and it might be over.


  • jam

    Mass Exodus after 1975. I served in Belize, Oklahoma, Altadena and Pasadena Ca

    congregations from 1970-1987. So a large number of Brothers and sisters I

    knew. My years as a JW I only know of maybe 5-6 families that left after

    1975...Two families in Oklahoma and three in Pasadena/Altadena and

    one in Belize (A missionary)..

    I don't see a mass exodus, if 1975 didn't wake people up, nothing will...

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