by DATA-DOG 49 Replies latest jw friends

  • baltar447

    Seriously let's go get 'crunk'

  • DJS

    Ditto Cofty. DD, I have the Navy Seal workout in my files; I've done it. It is major. If you can do that, without vomiting, passing out or passing out in your own vomit, you are the dude. But it's calories in, calories out. You can accomplish the same weight loss goal with nothing but caloric intake. Of course you won't look quite as cool. With exercise (and absent adding back the calories after a workout to 'reward' yourself) the process is quicker and you will look cooler. But it is about the calories. That, DD, becomes about lifestyle changes, discipline, self control and self awarness (why do we eat?).

    Over the years I've noted a number of 'experts' on the 'net and other places tell individuals wanting to lose weight that: 'It's not your fault." Unless someone is holding you down and stuffing calories down your throat it is your fault. "Its not as simple as calories in, calories out." Bull-freaking-shit. That's all its about; anything else would violate the laws of physics.

    Another thing that annoys me (wake up Kate I'm talking about discipline and ownership!) is individuals wanting to lose weight who blame it on: their job; their age; their gender; their kids; stress. All of those, and others, can of course contribute to weight problems, but at the end of the day (and the beginning) we own it. It belongs to us. Voicing those 'excuses', even thinking about them as excuses, will set you up to fail.

    We evolved over hundreds of thousands of years of scarce calories to want to store any excess as fat and to crave calories. They meant life, making it through the drought, the winter, the famine. The past few generations we have had more calories than we know what to do with (well, we actually do know - we eat them), but our bodies are thinking 1927. BCE. Smartly, limit junk foods, processed foods, fast food, sugar, and the one thing that would have the most immediate affect, soft drinks.

  • confusedandalone

    Get in the gym... you will burn calories and look better

  • LisaRose

    While it's true that you will lose weight if you restrict calories, some ways of eating can contribute to a tendency to eat more calories than you need. Unless you count calories it's hard to know how many you are consuming. Eating caloricly dense food will tend to make you eat more. Eating sugary and fatty foods will tend to make you eat more. It's really hard to consume too many calories eating fruits vegetables, it's a lot more work to eat them. If you eat sugary food you will get a spike, then a drop in your blood sugar, which will make you feel hungry and want to eat more junk. I find that if I eat eggs for breakfast instead of cereal I will eat less calories overall during the day with no special effort and I will tend to choose healthier things as well. For me, restricting carbs slightly, giving up snacks and eating adequate protein and lots of fruits a vegetables will generally cause me to lose weight.

    Easier said than done though. My weight was stable and in the healthy range until three years ago, I had to take a drug that greatly ramps up my appetite, I gained thirty pounds, and can't seem to get them off. I know, excuses, excuses. I have tried to stop taking it, but my pain gets worse, so my choice is to be fat with less pain, or thin with more pain. My blood pressure and cholesterol are OK, my doctor doesn't think it's a problem, but I don't want to be this heavy.

  • Finkelstein


    To lose weight quickly and aid in your over all health, eat mostly fruit and vegetables and exercise

    every day or every second day.

    Restrict alcohol and caffeine consumption.

    Hint = the exercise will calm your appetite making want to eat healthy.

    Expect positive results.

  • baltar447

    Protein, veggies, healthy fats, water. And workout hard for short durations= buff

  • Vanderhoven7

    I just saw this.


    If you try it...let me know how it works

  • talesin

    Get rid of processed food - read labels! You will see lots of sugar, and fillers (wheat, corn starch, for example), and there are a lot of long, funny sounding names of stuff you never heard of.

    A good rule of thumb is: if there are more than 5 ingredients in a product, it has too many chemicals for your child's body to be happy with. Makes sense, right?

    Eat less processed food, for example, get rid of WHITE - white flour, white rice.........

    Is breakfast cereal good for you? Really? How about an egg or two, and a side serving of spinach? Or some refried beans?

    Read up on nutrition --- did you know that you get more calcium from a serving of kale, than you do from a couple of glasses of milk? Yes, and diary is hard to digest, whereas greens are not.

    Healthy treats can be so good --- dark chocolate (the good stuff!), stuffed mushrooms, dried cranberries and cashews ........ see what I'm saying?

    Eat often (5 times / day ) and eat lots ...... of stuff that's GOOD for you ....... full-fat yoghurt topped with an homemade strawberry compote ....... and lots of cinnamon ....... fruit salad ....... grilled chicken thighs, stuffed with (hard cheese = low fat) parmesan cheese and asparagus tips ..... healthy eating is easy, and over a year or so, you will get lean.




  • Crazyguy

    There is such a thing as detoxing ones body, just drinking water will help. Ever heard of fiber??? Burdock will clean the blood. There is all sort of way to help the body rid itself of toxins and waste!!!


    Well it's been a stressful two years. I admit that being depressed, stressed, interrogated, ect, triggered some stress eating. I also drink more than I ever have.

    When I followed the Seal program, I consumed around 5,000 calories a day, maybe more. I also worked very hard. I was a freaking animal with a high strength to weight ratio. I could eat whatever I wanted. Now I need to find that fire that I lost. I need to transform from a wannabe to a GONNABE!!!

    Also, I am super fun at parties....HELLS YEAH!!!!


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