Good point...skipped meeting tonight and i had a part. Epic
Am I part of the Cure or am I part of the disease
by Jon Preston 33 Replies latest jw friends
Gald you think it's epic. What will you do when you get a phonecall?
Kate xx
Put me down for simply never, and I mean never go back to the KH. If your friends call to ask how you are say "fine" or "busy" or whatever. If they want to know WHY you aren't attending be vague. Do not say anything that could be viewed as "apostate"and quickly ask about them and their families. They will be so busy talking about themselves they will forget to press you for details! If any other JW calls-especially elders DONT ANSWER. If they leave messages, ignore them. Block your facebook and social media accounts. Sooner or later they will give up and you two will be free.
Jon Preston
Well i texted an elder to let him know i could t do the part....what phonecall are you referring to? No one calls me really...they call my wife. I have realized that the witnesses always looked on me as a science project...a cool toy to play with, talk to, "upbuild", but never knew or tried to know the real me. If ita a JC call....i simply wont answer and decide, on my own terms, what to do then.