Sign of the Time of the End ---> Armagaddon

by Waiting4TheKingdom 125 Replies latest jw friends

  • Waiting4TheKingdom

    jgnot,.. you seem upset that I'm making you think about this,.. hey listen...don't you worry about a single thing,....just know that you too will have to decide,...

    as for me...? I'm not worried about a damn thing...I'm waiting...can't wait... because ALL THIS MESS OF A WORLD...must stop... enough is enough... right?

    ME? Living my life... looking for the signs... lol

  • LoisLane looking for Superman
    LoisLane looking for Superman

    Waiting4TheKingdom... Careful with your posts. You likely only have 4 more until your 24 hours is over and you can start with another 10.

    Are you counting your time on us?

    Do you know how tolerant and polite normal people are to put up with WT rantings?

    Knock, knock, knock. Ringing door bell. Dog barking . Saturday AM couple are in bed after having an active week at work, and you decide this is their moment to wake up and listen to you telling them the sky is falling, the sky is falling? Be scared. The Big "A" is right around the corner?

    Get an education. Learn about life.

    The 7 creative days are screwed up. The worldwide flood is a fairy tale.

    There are no demonizes .

    Have a happy day.

    Best regards,


  • Waiting4TheKingdom

    wow VIDIOT... nice... what a summarization... lol.. good stuff

  • Bob_NC

    I am duly warned. Mindless babble.

  • Iamallcool

    At least you know how to spell the big A in your title (Sarcastically)

  • jgnat

    Hey, I've thought about these things for a long time. I am upset when people make declarations based on lies or false equivalence. Belief in Armageddon, IMO, stunts people's growth. Why plan for a future you don't believe exists?

  • roberto avon
    roberto avon

    Waiting4thekingdom; so this is what you are saying since 150 years! Do you really believe this? Don't you believe that 150 years of false predictions are enough to stop announcing this " nonsense "? Can you give us an idea of how long it will take, are we speaking about months or years? Make a guess and give us a date...

  • westiebilly11

    all religions....ALL?...all!....

  • jgnat

    Picture of our "messy" world.

    Saffron Farm

  • Vidiot

    Waiting4theKingdom - "wow VIDIOT... nice... what a summarization... lol.. good stuff"

    * sigh *

    Poe's Law strikes again.

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