Sign of the Time of the End ---> Armagaddon

by Waiting4TheKingdom 125 Replies latest jw friends

  • Pete Zahut
    Pete Zahut

    Nations attack and destroy Babylon the Great.

    To JW's...isn't that a good thing ?? How nice of Satan's minions to get rid of all those other nasty religions, that is, until they come looking for the religion you happen to be in.....then it's bad thing. You'd think Satan would want to strengthen his empire rather than turn on it. Seems like his first order of business would be to build up his own organization and get rid of the one God supposedly favors.

    Attack on Jehovah's people.... and who might that be ? Let me guess, judging from the preachy tone of your comment, I'd say you have concluded that you are one of them and the rest of us aren' I right ?

    Remember this,.... meditate on it,... we will begin to see signs of this VERY, VERY soon, ...but you must be watchful.... especially as #3 begins, you'll have to CHOOSE at that time, who you will follow... OK....I think I'll wait a while.....that way I'm sure to pick the right team.

    God Speed to you all... What does that even mean ? It sounds nice enough....God Speed...but based on you comments so far I'd say your motives are based more in sense of smugness than out of any concern for our welfare or even for your love of God.

  • DuvanMuvan

    Waiting, what are you trying to accomplish?

    Do you really think that, in the near future, everyone will turn against jws because for whatever reason they "discern" that they're the true religion?

    How does that work?

    Especially since according to you all of "false" religion was apparently attacked before that. So you're saying that literally every religion except one will be attacked by the UN?

  • Vidiot

    DuvanMuvan - "So you're saying that literally every religion except one will be attacked by the UN?"

    According to WT eschatology, that is exactly what he's saying.

  • villagegirl

    1 World leaders say “Peace and security!” -

    What News are you listening to?

    2 Nations attack and destroy “Babylon the Great”

    The sale of Kingdom Halls, the lawsuits won against the Watchtower

    for protecting JW peophiles? The sales of WT property in New York,

    the exposure of the Watchtower as a False Prophet ?

    False doctrines taught by the Watchtower and their unbiblical

    teachings have reduced Kingdom Hall attendence.

    Who is being attacked ? Other real Christian Churches are growing

    and thriving and doing the works of feeding the hungry,

    helping widows and orphans, helping the homeless and

    building up their communities while

    the JW's do nothing at all to help anyone.

    3 Attack on Jehovah’s people- DO NOT get involved in the affairs of this world,its wars or anything, but still WE ARE ORGANIZED and this makes the World Leaders Worried/Angry.

    The World Leaders? The World Leaders do not know you exist,

    or care at all, what silly meaningless repetitious 'activities' you do.

    You underline Watchtower articles ? Sit in meetings that cause

    you to become spiritually dead as a person.

    You hate others and teach hate.

    "Worried/Angry" ? How deluded and arrogant are you in your self importance?

    No one cares what JW's do because as you pointed out,

    you do nothing. You demoted Jesus to an angel ?

    You worship an "organization"

    You sit and refuse to partake of the bread and wine as he commanded ?

    You divide people into "classes" and think eight old men in New York are the

    "sole channel of communication".

    You are obsessed with books and magazines and miss the whole point

    of the words Jesus spoke or anything written in Romans, Acts, John 3:3 ,

    you do not heed the words of Jesus and you worship a man made

    "Organization" like a Golden Calf. The word organization is not in the Bible,

    4 War of Armageddonespecially as #3 begins, you'll have

    to CHOOSE at that time, who you will follow...

    WHO you will follow ? The only one you are suppose to follow is Jesus Christ.

    Acts4: 1-12 ....... the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, 11 This Jesus ........

    12 There is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name

    under heaven given among mortals by which we must be saved.”

  • Crazyguy

    the end of the age that the christians were talking about already happen twice. Early christians expected it to happen soon as noted in the bible and it happen around 130 AD, Pisces to Aries if I'm correct and then it just happen again at the end of 2012 Aries to Aquries. I may be wrong on what sign they are called but this is what the christians were talking about.

  • westiebilly11

    village girl...great comments.

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    In the broader scheme of things, WT/JWs are a fart in a hurricane.

    The hubris of believing that all the world knows about and stands in rapt attention over the doings of JWs is truly astounding.

    "Soon" = don't hold your breath.

  • Vidiot

    villagegirl - "The sale of Kingdom Halls, the lawsuits won against the Watchtower for protecting JW peophiles? The sales of WT property in New York, the exposure of the Watchtower as a False Prophet ? False doctrines taught by the Watchtower and their unbiblical teachings have reduced Kingdom Hall attendence. Who is being attacked?"

    Maybe having the WTS attacked before all the other religions (instead of after) is "New Light".

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    Waiting4TheKingdom: ME? Living my life


    Don't you need to get a life first in order to live it???

  • Heaven

    The Book of Revelation was hotly contested at the Nicean council. It almost didn't make it into the Bible. Knowing that it was written by an aged man suffering from some sort of mental or drug induced issue, puts a lot of that book into perspective.

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