The WTS likes to compare the 3 events they schedule, (CA)? and DC/RC, as being the same as the 3 festivals in Israel where male Israelites were required to attend (optional for women). Why is it not optional for jw women?
(Deuteronomy 16:16) 16 “Three times in the year every male of yours should appear before Jehovah your God in the place that he will choose: in the festival of the unfermented cakes and in the festival of weeks and in the festival of booths, and none should appear before Jehovah empty-handed.
*** it-1 p. 1054 Headship ***
Under the Law covenant the preferred position of the male was emphasized. Only the males were required by command to assemble for the three festivals of Jehovah at the place that God chose, although women also attended. (De 16:16) The woman was ceremonially “unclean” twice as long after the birth of a baby girl as after that of a baby boy.—Le 12:2, 5.