To my friends, some reflections...........

by JPandelo 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • JPandelo

    I have had a week to reflect on my life and was thinking about what I have seen, what I am going through, and where I am going. I know many of you here experience unbelievable pain, suffering, anger, depression, and disbelief. I have lived with these myself. I know many of us also have happiness, joy, and a sense of freedom which is hard to put into words. I live this today. My deepest sorrow extends to a very close loved one whom I see struggling to find self worth, a positive self image, and a guilt only religion (Watchtower) can inflict.

    It makes me think of the days I wanted to be an elder. I was an idealist who wanted to use my pained experiences to help those that underwent the sadness I see my loved one going through now. As an elder I wanted to take on my congregation members pain so they would not have to suffer anymore. A kind word, an encouraging scripture, a compassionate glance into their heartbroken eyes. I wanted to be Jehovah's instrument for helping those of his sheep that were truly in pain with broken spirits and guilt ridden hearts.

    What I have seen the Watchtower turn elders, overseers, and the governing body themselves into are cold shells of human beings that care not for their flock. It is about position, rank, power, money, and ego. It is for this reason it has made me ashamed of what they have become, and what I wanted to aspire to. So what happens now? How do we pick up the pieces and go on? Where do we go from here? The answers are different for each one of us. We all have a calling in our deepest part of our souls, it calls out to us when we actually listen for it. My place in the scheme of things at 27 years of age is not carved in stone as of yet. What i do know I will share and maybe it will help some and maybe it's just interesting reading for others.

    With much of my life ahead of me I ask myself: Should I act on the vengenge I feel in my heart and expose the Watchtower for the liars they really are? Do I want to take precious quality time away from my own family to pursue what I feel is justice for those who have been intentionally wronged? Should I turn my back, count my losses or in my case gains, and ignore the Watchtower? Can I do all of the above? I believe my name is Justin for a reason as it is derived from the Latin meaning for "just, virtuous, upright, true, justice". I have always had this sense of justice my whole life, and it has gotten stronger as I have grown older.

    I have much anger to let go of and originally I wanted my constructive anger to be pointed at the Society to seek Justice for what has been transgressed against the Pandelo name. As I think clearer now I feel I should leave it behind and dedicate my life into my family. To bring a child into this world someday without the thought of this horrible nightmare my family and I have lived. My sisters Cori and Jenna, and my brother Brett and myself are the new generation of Pandelos'. I want our generation to wipe the slate clean and bring the future generation a deep sense of family happiness and oneness with their Creator without the guilt of an organized religion crippling their future.

    When thinking about my children's future and their children's future I realize that now is the time for the decision of what to do with my family's Jehovah's Witness past. I think for the good of my family I will let it go. I don't want this anger anymore. I don't want the 12 years of insomnia anymore. I don't want to take time away from those who I love anymore. Besides the Watchtower will fall on its own without my help. We will see it in our lifetime. The signs are here. The news media will undoubtedly have a negative effect on the WT. I say continue to expose what needs to be exposed. But the media will not secure the end of the WT. They will without a doubt destroy themselves, on their own.

    Their policies are both hypocritical and contradictory. Below is just a tip of the iceberg:

    United Nations Cover-up

    Blood Cover-up

    Financial Cover-up

    Sexual Abuse Cover-up

    The above "conspiracies" within the Org. are just the beginning. We still have the long awaited Armageddon to go. The 70-80 yrs is basically up. Now what? Undoubtedly new light. There is a pattern here however, and the weak minded who continue to follow after they have been exposed to WT being caught with their pants down so many times will either wake up or die out. There is no future in a lie that is called the truth and hence we have the dissolving of the WT. This is of course if the government doesn't beat them to it.

    Regardless, I can rant and rave until the end of the WT and waste half my life on something that will not reward me in the end, or I can start investing my time in my family now and reap the benefits of a truly rewarding life in what Frank Sinatra calls the "Golden warm September of my Years".

    Let me close by saying this is my decision, and those who battle for justice and good will always have a friend in me. I applaud the work you do and a piece of me lives through you. I just want to make up for all those lost years of family time now before they are gone. If I throw away those years on a battle against the WT instead of tending to my family, the WT would truly have robbed me from my entire life. My love and compassion extend to all of those on this forum who have been wounded and left for dead by the WT. May your minds and spirits be strong, and the loves that still surround you help you appreciate what a beautiful life you have to look forward to. May Jehovah bless and watch over you all tonight.



    Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in. - Michael Corleone in The Godfather III.

    Love & best wishes to all who support Bill, Barbara, and my parents.

    Best Regards,


  • Cowboy

    Great post,Justin.Much food for thought.


    I know there's a balance,I see it when I swing past....John Mellencamp

  • D8TA

    You said it best by stating taking care of your family. If that's what you need to do, that's the first priority to attend to.

    Every effort against tyranny is considered a valuable effort. You saw something unjust and stood up against it. That path alone, very few find. Very few take.

    You stated it yourself:

    What I have seen the Watchtower turn elders, overseers, and the governing body themselves into are cold shells of human beings that care not for their flock. It is about position, rank, power, money, and ego.
    And the questioned to be asked: "Did I follow that path?"

    You could of ended up at the end of that road, but you didn't. I don't see shame in your decisions, since the end result came out for the greater good. You could of ended up tangled in the mire of being a "cold shell of a human being". You didn't follow the path of the corrupt visions of the WTBTS. You listened to your heart and chose the harder path. To be yourself, to stand up against tyranny, and to do what is right.

    Justice sometimes comes in forms of tiny cracks in a foundation. A voice against the unjust here, a stand against injustice there. Many voices added together, soon form a collective of cracks, that bring the whole thing down. The cracks you contributed go to the core of the corrupt.

    Now is the time to start healing and picking up the pieces, tend to your family needs. There's still plenty to do, and plenty of us to do it. Embrace the freedom you've earned, for you and your family.

    Wish you and your family, only the best in the journey to come.


  • avengers

    The way you feel is common for those who finally see what the WT stands for in reality. The pain, the anger, the guilt they bestow upon you. 30 years of my life they took and all the pain they have inflicted in my family is just too hard to describe. But they don't stop there. They keep inflicting wounds, they keep trying to hurt my family continually.

    I personally don't want anything to do anymore with this Great Whore.
    The reason I have to is because some of my family members are still in this realm they call the truth.
    The pain that I see they inflict on my family is enough for me to keep on the lookout to see if I can find ways to stop these bastards.

    In the beginning of my exit I was obsessed by bringing the WT down. After a couple of years I found this board with all you great people on it and you have really helped me out. Things are clearer and obsession has turned into research. The freedom I have now is great, and if any of us can help the poor misguided souls away from this whore and help them gain their freedom, then we have succeeded.

    Keep exposing, but don't let it make you bitter. We are on the right team. Have fun doing it. I am.

    Watchtower Walls are falling down, falling down, falling down.

  • Peterd

    First of all a big hello to everyone who uses this board, I've been reading it for ages and Justins post has stimulated me to respond....Here's a thought for you Justin - and this applies equally to all of you ex witnesses,
    Were you personally responsible for bringing anyone into the "The Lie" If you were - or even if you were only partially responsible, don't you think that you have an obligation to help these people out again? You were deceived and you in turn deceived others, don't you owe them something......
    Think about this,... if every one of you made a serious effort to contact the people you encouraged into the organization, if you shared with them your new found wisdom, if you could reveal to them the lie that you passed on as the truth ... think what a tremendous impact your efforts might have.
    The cracks are getting longer every day...

    Looking forward to a long and fruitfull association with you all.
    Peter from canada

  • JPandelo

    thankfully i have never brought anyone into it

    Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in. - Michael Corleone in The Godfather III.

    Love & best wishes to all who support Bill, Barbara, and my parents.

    Best Regards,


  • Peterd

    The new boy again.
    Please note at the top of this page the flashing note re: "Shunned Father needs your help" Read his latest post, please all of you and send this guy a few bucks. He - and more importantly, his daughter - are genuinely in need of our help. The bloody Org has cost enough lives as it is, lets at least try to save this one!!
    Peter from canada.

    Ps. Hope you all watched that most fantastic hockey game in history, you know the one ... Canada Vs. the USA for the Olympic Gold....just refresh my memory. Who was it won that one??

  • plmkrzy


    well...Your're obviously not a JW. LOL

    To Justin, I hope that you and your family are able to finally find some peace and closure in your lives soon.


    Life sucks...get a helmet
  • Pathofthorns

    Nice post with much food for thought. I couldn't agree more.


  • LizardSnot

    God bless you and your family Justin


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