Greatteacher-JWdom is practiced somewhat differently in different places. Honestly, that house did not shock me. Plenty of JWs in my parents hall have homes like this.
There wasn't any shock about it just the delusional picture they are trying to portray. This is not a reality for most jw's. You are correct; in the middle class neighborhood halls college is not frowned upon. They understand that their children need to be able to provide for themselves and support the congregation. They know their children won't be able to do that with a career at McDonalds.
My children's parents live in a home very similar to the ones picture on the advertisement too, but middle america is not the reality for most witnesses or their lifestyle. The point I was making is that those things can't be acquired working for minimum wage for the duration of one's life. I think it is very hypocritcal for them to show pictures of things unattainable with the map they design for people's futures.
In my opiinion.
apognophos-I come on here and see a lot of angst directed at JWs who have nice things
I live your statement; and don't be a single woman(or worse single mother) that was able to obtain those things without doing it their way, but still have a strong love for GOD.
Double and triple frowned on by the Elders at certain halls.
On another note, the faithful are still being ripped of because now they won't even get to earn SAG wages for their performances.
nonjwspouse- I would find it hard to see how a "spiritually strong JW that will spend plenty of time at the KH", and the wife not work could afford this level of a home.
Thanks for driving my point home.
@magnum- well said