I have noticed that some of us are a bit too eager to label new posters as trolls. While it is clear that there are some posters who just like to stir up trouble or are out and out apologists there are others who are Witnesses starting to have genuine doubts and so ask questions but then when they see the responses the cognitive dissonance kicks in and they push back and argue with what they are being told. This can lead to very negative reactions from JWN members and accusations that the person is a troll. jnjburkett was one example and FL_Panthers is another.
Well I had a beer with FL_Panthers last night and I can tell you he is far from being a troll. Unlike my experience talking to active Witnesses, he was very open, asked good questions, listened to what I had to tell him and tested it by reference to his Witness background as a way of deciding whether it made sense to him. I could see that he was having an internal battle between his rational side and his Witness side but that the rational side was in the ascendancy. Deep down he knew the problems but his upbringing (baggage such as a nagging concern that Armageddon might just happen) and concerns about family relationships were holding him back from embracing TTATT. But he has embarked on a course that will end up in him realizing TTATT. He knows that there are things he now understands that make it impossible for him to go back to being a fully fledged Witness.
So I know it is annoying when posters don't immediatley accept the validity of the wisdom and personal experiences offered to them on this board but remember the process you all went through (some faster than others) in learning TTATT and cut some of these newbies some slack and don't be too quick to condemn them as trolls.
Cheers Fraz