I agree Frazzled, and that is why I never call someone a Troll. You will be able to see it as time goes on and you are right many come on here and they are still going to meetings and are just starting to wake up. If we are cruel to them it can send them right back into the cult. We can become as bad as the WTS if we aren't careful.
Troll Accusations
by Frazzled UBM 23 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
FIrst off, that is an incorrect use of the term "cognitive dissonance." What you are describing is a typical response of protecting oneself (in this case, protecting one's opinion or point of view). If the thread goes on, this can eventually lead to a self-serving bias which is the tendency to claim more responsibility for a successful argument with a tendency for the commenter to evaluate ambiguous information in a way that directly applies to them personally. If two sides two this simultaneously, this can cause a burdensome thread.
Despite the disingenuous grouping that some of “us” label others who comment as “trolls,” the idea of you sticking up on someone else's behalf is noble. I personally get annoyed when newcomers sign up and on day one spill out their life story without getting to know the site, the feel of the community, and the flow of the commenting process. To me, that is considered trolling for attention and I find it generally rude. In other cases, people arguing points are actually healthy as it helps us maintain a level of assurance in our own beliefs while trying to maintain a logic form or debate. This is a good thing. There is a stark difference between writing for attention, and writing for discourse, you see.
Collectively (if you will), it's not really 'trolling' unless someone is purposefully igniting emotional responses from people without providing any additional input to the conversation at hand. I had this on Reddit on more than one occasion where one would basically say something stupid for no other purpose but to garner an emotional response back, where I was a specific target. That is different than debating a point. It's not, however, different than debating a pointless point where the point is to garner emotional responses from EVERYONE. These people are just being mean and lack etiquette regarding this site and the purpose of it.
And that's the point. It's all levels of etiquette and social understanding. Anyone who applies their force with sort of dominance without earning the right (or in this case, familiarity) will be subject to response similar to that of other social situations. Just because this is the internet doesn't mean the same functions of sociology that are found on a school playground or a college commons area.
Being quick to judge rarely leads to anything productive, but pointing out the unproductive nature of someone's behavior shouldn't be a “rule.” However, it should be expressed with more tact and perhaps with fewer confining labeling. So this is something “we” can all work on. And it is a good reminder for everyone on all sides.
Joe Grundy
"What is awesome about JW.net is that anyone can join in the conversation."
This is true, of course - I never was a dub - and is a sobering thought.
In Real Life I rarely (and I always think first) challenge anyone's 'faith' just because that may be the only thing that keeps them 'hanging on'. My own family not excepted.
JWN is a robust forum but it doesn't need to be harsh. Fine if someone appears with harshly-stated views about, for example, creation - they deserve to be challenged. But it can be done politely and rationally and that will probably be more effective than saying 'you're a dickhead, go and research'.
I say this tentatively because I never was a dub and though I do my best to empathise it's not quite the same. But just speaking for myself I'm happy to waste some time pandering politely to potential trolls if the odd genuine poster looking for answers benefits.
Reading your post reminds me of my son's writings on facebook, who frequently will "slap the wrists" of others in "conversations". He does so also by usually taking the position of the Devil's advocate (pun?). I just mentioned this because it came to mind. I enjoy your postings.
Frazzled, I also cringe when anyone is labeled in here as a troll. It is so hard to really know, and I personally feel it is better to err on the side that the person is not a troll.
Fraz thank you for this. i never experienced it myself but did read a few threads where it happened and smh it was sad to see. even if the poster is trolling, why not show them what real caring is...and no attacks. dont risk scaring away even 1 person trying to fimd ttatt...
. I personally get annoyed when newcomers sign up and on day one spill out their life story without getting to know the site, the feel of the community, and the flow of the commenting process.
please bear in mind many newcomers will have lurked on here for months-----or even years in some cases. they will be wll aware of the site and its operation. then--when they feel ready to tell their story--they need to sign up to post.
Fraz, great OP.
As Da.furious said we have met Panthers in person. I like him and I understand why he posts the way he does. He has a unique personality. We all have negaitive traits from WT in our personality we were all damaged in some way, so give him the benefit of the doubt.
Pathers, safe journey home it was lovely to meet you mister.
Kate xx
When we give others the benefit of the doubt we can often be pleasantly surprised.
One imagines a genuine troll will eventually hang himself so to speak...
. I personally get annoyed when newcomers sign up and on day one spill out their life story without getting to know the site, the feel of the community, and the flow of the commenting process.
please bear in mind many newcomers will have lurked on here for months-----or even years in some cases. they will be wll aware of the site and its operation. then--when they feel ready to tell their story--they need to sign up to post.
The typical psychological progression of a trepidatious “lurker” who advances from occasional visits the site to a full member posting new topics does not support this. There is usually a time of becoming comfortable with each new stage of commitment that takes place, preventing rapid succession from lurker to commenter, to new topic poster. It's unintentional, but very normal in all social settings.
Again, this is just the normal standard, and I, of all people, cannot speak one word against those who do not fall into such a category, LOL.