Its not only old people, that can expose the WT for its muddled
and embarrassing past actions and beliefs , its all the old books.
Like the Finished Mystery , published in 1917
"Old Light" ? Really ?
Have you ever asked yourself why
Christian writers in all churches,
and notably, Thomas Aquinas, who wrote
exclusively theological and
philisophiical books, and wrote them
from 1244 to 1274 are still read
and studied in universities all over the world?
His works stood the test of time, and he was living
in the early Middle ages before the enlightenment.
Yet Watchtower publications barely a hundred years old are considered
useless 'old light" and too embaarrassing to publish and distribute ?
Thomas Aquinas, here are examples of only a few books
he wrote and that still read and studied in schools and universities.
Exegtical, homiletical, and liturgical writings;
Commentaries on Job, Psalms and Isaiah 1261-65
Catena aurea ( The Golden Chain )
Commentaries on Canticles and Jeremiah
On the Principles of Nature, 1255
On Being and Essence, 1252- 1256
Commentary on the Gospel of Mattew, 1269-1272
Against the Errors of the Greeks, to Pope Urban 1V, 1263
Disputed Questions on the Power of God, 1259 - 1268
Disputed Questions on Spiritual Creatures 1266
Commentary of the Eight Books of Physics 1268 - 1271
The Catholic Church does not hide these books, or prevent their
followers from reading them, because they are "old"
as does the WT of its old literature. It proudly displays them
and uses them as still of interest to modern day theology
and philosophy. The list of Thomas Aquinas's writings is too long
to be contained in this forum.