I am on the edge of a freak out ..... I think???

by DATA-DOG 72 Replies latest jw friends



    You can`t live like that Dog..Get yourself out first..

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  • Crazyguy

    Focus man focus, save your daughter tell her of thier history and all those false predictions keep her from getting brainwashed like your wife. Start fading stop going so much its bad for your health. Get out before it kills you and by staying your telling your daughter that u support it....

  • Finkelstein

    Sorry to hear of your agonizing plight but thats how this highly controlling religious cult effects people, why are they so benevolently controlling ?

    ..... because for the simple reason their core doctrines were always a sham, coercive and alluring perhaps, through public talks and printed literature but a sham nevertheless.

    This eventually lead to a necessary built up power platform of protection around the organization, around the select doctrines and the people who made those doctrines.


    I can only suggest that you remain calm and tell your wife you both need time to figure things out, take a day at a time.

    No matter how many times the WTS. proclaims that god is directing their organization that too is a fraudulent claim which had the intent to support the men

    who are running the organization from the top down.


    The JWS is a false religion because its doctrines were created without true academic theological study of the bible, rather instead to proliferate

    literature as its most ardent endeavor, literature that the WTS. published itself.

    Common sense with a bit of rational intuitive thinking should make that discernment on your own.


    The WTS. right now is scheming up new lies to replace the old lies which kept the organization stable and growing, all awhile consuming and

    destroying lives in the process, consumed very much in its own stature of corruption to keep all that was acquired and intact.

  • Quarterback

    Sorry about your freak out experience, DD. Sorry I'm not a Dr, and can't help you with that frustration. Get some chocolate, though

  • Iown Mylife
    Iown Mylife

    Data-Dog! You know you're not wrong! Earning money to live decent is the top priority in this house here. I have never understood all those tv shows and movies where the family lives in a nice house, griping to the husband that he's not home enough of the time. Where do they think all their comforts come from? And when he capitulates, OK, I've been wrong, I'll cut down my working hours --- they never show his credit getting ruined because he can't pay the bills on time!

    But anyway, you gotta relax and just like everyone says here, remind yourself that the zealous guilt-fest will subside after a little while. In the meantime, you have to be a wife-whisperer. And here's how; start by acknowledging her feelings (Yes! that old crap works!):

    "Honey, please don't be upset with me. I'll try to do better. Let's pray together before we go to bed. I'll ask Jehovah to help me keep balanced and not get carried away with worrying about work." "I'm so grateful to have a wife who is aware of spiritual things, not just material things."

    Next, talk about how great it will be in the new system when we can worship Jehovah freely and only live for his sake, and not have to wrestle with the world trying to get enough money to live decent.

    I don't know how old your daughter is but maybe you can make her understand that you're going along to get along and keep peace in the family? And that you love her mom, and you're trying your best to make her happy.

    The key is to drop any resistance. Controllers thrive on resistance. Once they sense the fight is gone out of their victim, they relax and move on to other phases of their daily living. I am positive your wife does not have a clue how she is taking the energy out of you like draining the oil out of a car. When you have to deal with this stuff, try to simultaneously visualize love and peace between you.

    You have helped me a lot, and I appreciate all your posts!


  • DesirousOfChange

    Frankly, I think it's time for your wife to find a job and help with the financial pressure (unless your daughter is very very young). Look around the Kingdom Hall. Don't most of the women have jobs too? That's the only was two JWs who lack education are going to make it today.

    The alternative is to buckle down for a few years while one works to keep a roof over your heads and the other goes to school to get the career that pays some decent money. You work while wife goes to nursing school. Then she works while you go to school. A decade from now you'll be enjoying the Middle Class lifestyle and Armageddon will still be "right around the corner".


  • tootired2care

    Man I feel ya, they have this ability to make life unbearable, don't they?

    If you end up losing your marbles what good are you going to be to your daughter? Could you perhaps talk to your daugter about how you really feel about the liars, and get her to see where you're coming from, and then just stop going? You can always tell your wife and daughter that they are free to continue going if they choose, but for your own health and sanity you must stop. Good luck, and I hope you figure it out and soon!

  • baltar447

    I won't jump on the recommendation of getting on drugs to cope, you don't need them. You're going through a nearly impossible situation. You need coping skills and to de-stress and unplug. Walking is great and is better for you than popping a pill. Take up a hobby. Try not to depend too much on the drink either. I LOVE the above poster that said treat it like a kid wanting to go to Disneyland at 9pm lol. Good advice in general.

  • Wild_Thing

    I remember feeling the same kind of rage and urge to give up right before I finally left for good. It was always the worst after the conventions. My very last anything that I attended was the district convention of 2001.

    I am predicting this is your last year, my friend.

  • 20yearfader

    hey data dog i have always enjoyed your post and this one this one would be so so comical if it wasnt so true i can feel your pain, i look at my parents an consider them a lost cause same might be true of your wife,but your daughter is young please please hang in there dont let her childhood get stolen like so many of ours

    You started a new job is it possible to relocate to another city with that job perhaps they have openings in other cities or at the very least a time schedule that interfers with meeting times.

    In the meantime get a drink and relax i hate seeing someone's back against the wall because of this destructive cult

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