I am on the edge of a freak out ..... I think???

by DATA-DOG 72 Replies latest jw friends

  • twice shy
    twice shy

    Hang in there. This too shall pass. Plus, you do love you too much to hurt you right? Btw, your daughter is a huge part of you too.

    It is so sad how they divide the families all in the name of labeling someone as being spiritually strong or weak. You are way stronger than that. You were strong enough to learn the truth about them. Your freedom is a huge win. You just have to ask yourself what is needed to make this a win/win. You might be surprised what you come up with once you take a step back and regroup.

    Another poster suggested you not make a major decision when you are emotional. Great advice. If your wife can't see that you are a good provider, awesome father, and you've been loviing her in abundance just to stay with a raging lunatic, than...................

    Lovingly be assertive and do take the lead and don't let go. You could let her know that it's easy to judge until you are in that person's shoes. The wtbt$ follows a one size fits all mantra that is completely unrealistic. Remind her that you live in the real world and that you haven't found any company that will accept watchtowers or awakes in lieu of cash.

    I'm not sure if you still believe in GOD, but all things are possible through Christ.

    Be well and keep a healthy mind.

  • tootired2care

    Christ is the reason we're all in this mess! Irresponsible and damaging statements such as the one uttered at Matt 6:33 is the tool that the GB uses to make people feel at odds with themselves for providing for their family materially.

  • WTWizard

    I saw that video on the official site, and it is rubbish. Even their own LIE-ble states plainly that one must provide for one's family or one is worse than one "without faith". You are not going to do that if you have to quit your job to make room for more field circus or because the washtowel doctrines keep snaking across your line of work like live electric lines in a windstorm. They ban stuff, they get you to quit work based on that, they then rescind the ban--leaving you out of a job. Or, your work is taking too much time and you have to miss boasting sessions (which are not worth attending) or are unable to pious-sneer.

    Now yes, I will fault the Rothschilds (not Satan, who does not even like the Rothschild scum) for having us working so long to make ends meet. Without those parasites, we would have an extra 25% or more in our checks, plus the dollars would have held their value instead of becoming toilet paper. I will also fault the Rockefeller scum for setting up a system to enforce the science status quo (you need to prove you will not go past that by presenting your indoctrination papers via a college degree in order to get a decent job). But, this doesn't mean you should pretend things are the way they should be--where working 4 days a week would provide more than a 5- or 6-day week does now with income taxes toward paying the Rothschilds. Not realizing that we have those parasites, and going as if they were not there, is disaster. And, right now, we need to prepare for the dollar totally becoming toilet paper. We need to work those extra days when necessary, so we can get a decent stash of gold and silver. We need to secure barter items. The same blow that is needed to rid us of those scum will make many destitute at the same time--gold and silver will at least allow you time to transition to sound money.

    Additionally, it is a damnation working. You watch the video in the company of 5,000 people all putting psychic energy into it, you are programmed to view money as not that important. You already know how low the value on boasting sessions and field circus is. If you are programmed to view money (and health) as even lower value, you are going to be poor in the next life and beyond. Between not working very much or not at all (or getting a crap job that is drudgery and pays crap) and donating more money to the Worldwide Damnation Fund, you are being set up for damnation.

    You have a decent job, keep it. If joke-hova needs you in field circus that badly, it can make you so rich that your job would provide next to no additional funds next to what you are receiving from joke-hova. If you still need your job, joke-hova doesn't need you out there that badly.

  • TTATTelder

    Remind your wife that the GB lives off other people and live in a bubble.

    It's easy to tell other people to "do without material things" when you aren't having to do without yourself.

    I just read Animal Farm for the first time.

    At one point the leader of the farm (a boar named Napoleon) said to the other animals:

    "The truest Happiness lay in working hard and living frugally."

    Of course he and the others at the top were "living it up" while convincing the lower class animals to live by these other principles.

    Classic double standard. That's the GB. No humility. No empathy.

    Keep the r&f barefoot and pregnant. That way they are easier to keep under thumb.


  • jean-luc picard
    jean-luc picard

    remind your wife that in the 40's and 50's they discouraged couples having children because the end was so close.

    They got it wrong,and screwed up some couples lives who would have liked to have had a family but when they realised it,it was too late.

    Back then too, the propaganda was that ''spiritual'' couples dont start a family, they pioneer.

    wrong wrong and wrong again. Dont listen to their advice. They wont appologise afterwards.

  • HowTheBibleWasCreated

    I watched the video. I would point this out.... LISTEN




    Seperate those two and I agree to the first part. Int he movie the father although being in general a good guy is a bad father. Slamming bbiles down on the table and screaming for a family study at the beginning is enough to make any non JW turn it off.

    To sort continue this father refuses to disclose his personal history to his family until his son is in a totaly unrealated problem..... actually to be honest it's dad since his son after he refuses the contract from the foolish rap company peombably could make a good lving if he didn't listen to his 'new dad'... This movie is structured into a proganda layers... once you see then (I names 3 layers)... use them against the original message.

  • villagegirl

    Don't listen to Zed is Dead , he does not exist.

    1 Timothy 5:8 But if someone doesn’t provide for their own family,and especially for a member of their household,they have denied the faith. They are worse than those who have no faith.

    Read that scripture to your wife.

    Then tell her the Governing Body is not your mediator, Jesus Christ is.

    YOU give $$$ so that the "Governing Body can fly FIRST CLASS ?? and

    never have to work a day and so they have secure housing, clothes and food

    and people wait on them living in mutil million dollar accomodations.

    Tell your wife to 'snap out of it'. And tell her your daughter is going to

    college and can choose her own career and her own religion or none.

    If its just you and your wife and you can exit, try to do that , give her

    Crisis if Conscience, concentrate on the core false GB doctrine and stop using

    terms like "anointed" as if this means some "mysterious state". It only means

    Gods blessing on you in the form of holy spirit which the Bible says he

    anoints or pours out on ALL mankind and especially all believers, its not

    some "card" you pull its FREEDOM to stand independently, one on one,

    face to face, (no eight old men needed), just you and Jesus Christ is all you need.

  • sparrowdown

    One thing the borg is good at is making a bloody catastophe out of everything. It is emotional blackmail, don't fall for it.

    Reality check: not being "strong in the truth" is not, I repeat not, the end of the world.

    If others in your household are hysterical because the GB are claiming the sky is falling

    all the more reason for there to be one level head in da house.

  • Domenic


    I am sorry to call you by the name Data-Dog, I don’t know your real name. Many of us are surprised when the ground beneath our feet opens, and we fall helpless into a dark pit. All true servants of YHWH have, are, or will come under attack. Not once, nor twice, but as many times as they can take. You may lose every thing you now have, even your family. Whatever God allows, he allows for a reason of good, never for bad. I too lost everything I had, and loved. Everything. As it turned out, my wife, and two children were in the truth, but never had the truth in them. Gods separating work will go on until he closes the door. That was 18 years ago. My now ex-wife and children have had nothing to do with our God for all these years. The time to worry, is when you don’t come under attack. Here is a scripture for you: John 6:44. We don’t chose God, he chooses us.

    God will free you from the Watch Tower. He will free you from all religions. 18 years ago I said to God, “This load is to heave, can you carry it for me?” He say he will, and he does.

    You are property of the living God. You are never alone. This time will pass. This system will pass. We only have to put up with it for a short time…life on this side of paradise is short. When this system is gone, and you are in the new system…as Gen Patton told his men… “When this war is over, and your bouncing your grand kids on your knee, and they ask you, Grandpa, what did you do in the big war, You won’t have to say, ‘I shoveled shit in Georgia.”

  • clarity

    Data ... it is easy to give advice, because we are not

    in your shoes exactly. All we can do is hope you take

    what you can use from all of this advice & experience.

    John Cedars made a comment that "sometimes you just

    have to hang your boots on the wall" & let it all out.

    ( or words to that effect). I couldn't find that vid but

    here is a vid about helping his wife to wake-up.


    Good luck Data with this....ignore the ignorance from wt!


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