Where do we go when we die?

by bsand20 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • Fernando

    According to scripture, eternal life (in perfect conditions) on earth (the physical realm) and in heaven (the spirit realm) is the "one hope" (Eph 4:4) which is open to any and all who embrace the liberating (30+ ingredient) gospel message instead of religion (human hierarchies, legalism and moralism).

    Physicists (like Michio Kaku) and astronomers (like Carl Sagan) have done a lot to demystify higher dimensions.

    In fact, according to Michi Kaku, three dimensions are not enough to explain gravity, electromagnetism and nuclear forces - which proves the existence of higher dimensions. It would appear that Physicists have traced a mathematical path from our familiar 3 dimensions right up to 11 dimensions in "hyperspace".




  • What is Truth?
    What is Truth?

    Hey RubaDub I would like to go to Florida please

  • kaik

    Sorry for your loss. I lost a friend to breast cancer and I wish there will be cure for it. It is really horrible disease.

    Nobody knows what happens to us when we die. Certainly, our physical bodies will decay and dissolve in the nature. Billions of people went through our planet; lived here; had their hopes, dreams; like everyone experienced joy, love, and pain; and passed in the river of time. Billions of more will do the same, including you and me. Nobody ever came back from the death. Nobody who would share his or her story after their death.

    Jews do not have unified opinion on the death and afterlife. OT does not really says much. Midrash adds: " When Moses realized that the decree [of death] had been sealed against him, he drew a small circle around himself, stood in it, and said, “Master of the universe, I will not budge from here until You void that decree.” At the same time, he donned sackcloth–indeed, wrapped himself in it–strewed ashes upon himself, and persisted in prayer and supplications before the Holy One, until heaven and earth–indeed, all things made during the six days of creation–were shaken…What did the Holy One do then? He had it proclaimed at every gate of every firmament that Moses’ prayer be not accepted nor brought up to His presence, because the decree concerning him had been sealed. " Moses weny the way of all humans, all earthlings, and died. Moses did not get any bargain about afterlife, resurrection, or access into heaven.

    I would like to believe that there is afterlife, a universe where deceased are there, not tied to time and space of our world. Place where I could meet with dad, friends, romans, medieval crusaders, etc. But I had accepted that only certainity I have is this world, this time. My love ones live in my memories. I do not believe in earthly resurrection, because our planet has finitive resources and is dying. So is our Sun and galaxy. In two billions of years, Earth will be desert as red giant Sun evaporates all these oceans. Later our sun will run out of fuel and will die. Our galaxy is on colliosion course with other and in billions years all the stars we see will die.

    Enjoy your life while on earth, use your skills, get plenty of education and use it to your full potential. This is the only certainity you have.

  • BackseatDevil

    Does it matter? I mean really does it honestly matter where we go?

    If we live the best and most fulfilling life we can live then what does that say of who we are?

    If we live a life of nothing but following rules that someone else has set for us, what does that say of who we are?

    The facts are that we don't know. Science doen't have an answer. Religion has speculation. So reason says to just live the best life we care to live... enjoy what we can, and appreciate everything. After that... well, it's really not up to us. So... just LIVE, LOVE, and APPRECIATE. Everything else is yet to be.

  • steve2

    The tension in life is between the need to be consoled for loss and the need to be wise to the susceptibility of grieving humans to wishful thinking. The need to be consoled is very often subverted by religions and belief systems everywhere to heighten the allure of promise-ridden systems whose truck is invisibles such as "faith" which itself turns of endless interpretations and wearying variations, each conflictingly claiming exclusive access to the Divine cashcard of "Truth".

    The Witnesses are just a more obvious example of a group whose stock in trade is raising seemingly answerable questions about the "hereafter" knowing full well the hook has been baited and will likely be gobbled up by the grief-stricken. Snap. Gulp. Swallow. Gotcha.

    Some would call this hook-laden baiting loving consolation; I see it as little more than calculated exploitation. Grieving people are super-easy targets.

    No more tears, pain or death sit snugly wuggly alongside "and they lived happily everafter". At least the latter has the balls to front up as a fairy story.

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