" Nowadays in canda they live on the reserve and earn food money off the government.. they use it then use half of it on booze.... then they beg or 'whore' for more
Now this is only half.. many are above this! (I'm not stereotying all)
The rest work decent jobs but when problems arise at work it always becomes a race issue with them...
Sadly they never get over the harm done to them."
Okay, this is complete and utter bullshit. I grew up on a reserve, I'm Mohawk with a native status card and we do NOT get "food money" from the government, you ignorant jerk. Wanna know why so many native communities "can't get over" what was done to them? Consider this: the aboriginal population in Canada is roughly 4.3% of the overall population, guess what percentage of land we have to live on and create an economy with?
That's right, we have only 28,000 square kilometers of native territory, all of the natural resources and riches of this country were stripped away and you wonder why there are economic problems in native communities!? Not to mention the residential schools problem, which was an issue right up until the 1970s, where native children were ripped from their families and denied the right to speak their own languages and robbed of their culture, many of whom suffered unspeakable sexual and physical abuse in these state-approved church-run schools. The social harm done to these kids goes a long way to explaining the staggering percentage of homeless aboriginals and prison inmates.
But of course, we're all just lazy tax evaders looking for a government handout.