Who knows when Native Americans was granted citizenship?? Very strange.

by jam 52 Replies latest jw friends

  • marmot

    Sammie, if you bothered to read this whole thread you would have seen that I posted about Chief Clarence on page 1.

    I am very pro-economic development.

    You also mention the Irish. Last time I checked they still had a country and a language. If I wanted I could immigrate to Ireland, send my kids to Gaelic school and they would "become" Irish. Can't do that on a reserve. Thanks to the Indian Act, if you move off the reserve and marry out, your kids cease being native and relinquish all rights.

    We are denied our land and denied our self-determination as a people in the hope that we'll just fade away and be assimilated.

  • Paralipomenon

    This does annoy me.

    I grew up with many Micmac friends. They lived off of the reservation and didn't "relinquish all rights". In fact they faced more backlash from members on reservations who saw their leaving as traitorous. Some took advantage of the programs offered to better the life of First Nation members and others I lost contact with.

    Marmot, you fail to even acknowledge that a large part of the social economic hardships faced is a direct result of corrupt and ineffective band and council handling. In the whole thread here you have not provided a single positive thing about your culture, just complaining about the government. I really don't know what you do to preserve this culture you are so proud of? I do know some that volunteer to visit schools to teach kids, not only about the injustices, but about the pride they have in their culture.

    I see no pride in your comments, only bitterness.

    Why not promote your culture, expain the language, how it is different and educate people of a history that needs to be saved? If you are not working towards that goal yourself, why does it fall on my shoulders to do it for you?

  • talesin

    Thanks to the Indian Act, if you move off the reserve and marry out, your kids cease being native and relinquish all rights.

    No, this is not true. There are certain tax benefits and monies you may not receive, but you do not reliquinsh all your rights. How do I know this? My cousin is Mi'kmaq and my close friend is just now doing the paperwork to get his First Nations status, after establishing ancestry. His family is Beothuk.

    Your arguments have less impact when you make broad statements that are incorrect. One in an earlier comment was about how much land is owned - 28,000 km2 yes, on reserves - other lands are not counted in this. Also, the % of the population is 2.5, not what you stated according to the 2006 Census.

    Accuracy counts - otherwise, all argument loses its efficacy.


  • talesin

    We have casinos here in Eastern Canada, Jam, and in other parts of Canada, that are owned by bands. Some of the abuses mentioned are NOT happening 'today' ... it's 2014, not 1964.

    Also, another point to clear up (surprised you don't know this, Marmot) , is that NO, First Nations people are not pre-disposed to alcohol abuse. That is a fallacy.

    Agreed, Para.

  • marmot

    The whole purpose of my response to this thread IS bitterness about the attitudes of the general Canadian population towards natives.

    I got a University education, I live off-reserve, I pay taxes yet one of the first responses in this thread referred to natives as drunken whores who live off the government teat.

    This is far from an isolated sentiment, and the other common attitude like yours is the "just get over it" camp. People like you just want quiet little Indians to be part of Canadian society without pesky sovereignty or independence. Assimilation is the name of the game.

    You say it's the fault of corrupt native government, the entire chief and council system is a product of the paternalistic Indian Act.

  • marmot

    And I said my KIDS would lose their rights if I marry out. Bill C-31 is designed to keep people on-reserve or fade nations into non-existence.

    Also reading comprehension counts, Talesin, I clearly stated that alcohol sensitivity among natives is a myth on page 1.

  • Paralipomenon

    You say it's the fault of corrupt native government, the entire chief and council system is a product of the paternalistic Indian Act.

    Actually that is not what I said at all, but you have shown a pattern of misquoting and twisting the words of others to fit your own narative.

    This is an interesting topic, one that really should be discussed, but unfortunately you are not interested in a dialogue. I think it is telling that when an injustice was pointed out for those of Irish descent, you immediately belittled it.

    Both are tragedies, and you bristle when you feel people belittle the history of your culture, but have no problem doing to others.

    You want empathy and support? Try showing it for others, though I suspect you will perpetuate a cycle of hate instead.

  • marmot

    In no way did I belittle the Irish, I just stated (correctly I might add) that they still have a country and their own independence in determining immigration laws.

    How you perceive that as belittling is beyond me.

  • designs

    The whole notion of borders and nations screws with Indigenous Peoples concepts. From there things go very badly. Modern Iraq was a British invention, see how that turned out.

    Christians from Europe came to the Americas and set borders and boundries on the Indigenous by force and the rest is the sad history.

  • RubaDub

    From what I recall from my history classes, Christopher Columbus began granting Native Americans citizenship when he first landed here.

    Rub a Dub

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