Science proves there is a God

by seekchristonly 247 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Finkelstein

    Science will never prove of a god(s) existence but does prove that the idealogical concept of all gods, past and

    present roused out of human ignorance of the world in which mankind has lived and are still living within today .


  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    "How the fook did this carnival of ignorance get to 7 pages?" - cofty


    Answer: irrational exuberance.

  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury

    Too many enjoyed feeding it and poking it with sticks...

  • galaxie

    How the fook etc cofty

    How the fook has this carnival lasted thousands of years ??????!!!!!!.

  • LisaRose

    It's official: Our entire Universe is just a bubble in some greater Universe's Coca-Cola glass.

  • daringhart13


    And do he the God of the Watchtower?

    How did he get the Judge those caddy's........but needs each publisher to commit to a $$ amount monthly?

  • notsurewheretogo

    I knew I should have looked on this forum earlier than I have...7 pages!!!

  • prologos

    just to get back to the basic science questions touched.

    sco asserted matter is eternal*, its smallest components are equivalent to god.? but

    cofty et al showed that even protons decay and the product is radiation, unorganized photons. so the question to sco is: is god radiation?

    what have I learned about the oldest radiation? current temperature? 2.7 degrees kelvin. wave length 2 mm at peak.

    that radiation is not as old as the universe because of the early obscurity, and during inflation, that bsw was faster than light [c], it could not outpace the expansion right away.

    so science and sco leave us partially in the dark as to THE proofs. but:

    all is just a question of time

    ( time like in the 4st dimension)

    *really wrong

  • snare&racket

    SEEK, a lot has been said since I replied. I don't want to skip on beyond what you said back to me,

    Can I ask you to show me just one scientific theory based on no evidence please. I have spent 7 years in science now and I have not yet come across a theory with no evidence, it is actually quite oxymornic as a claim. But I don't want to dismiss your words, I am open minded to proof from you, of your claim. I appreciate you are not well versed in science, but if you believe a theory can exist without any evidence it is important to calrify it for you and anyone reading this thread.

    So yes, please can you demonstrate just one scientific theory that has no evidence.......Just one.

    snare x

    P.s. I assume you know the parameters and definitions of 'scientific' (via the scientific method) and 'theory' (body of knowledge).

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