Before deciding what to do you need to decide what you want. Depending on your desired outcome then things play out differently.
Sadly your wife's response is typical in confiding in the elders. She may have been forced into a corner and divulged more than she intended or she may be worried about your spirituality and sought assistance. However in either case you need to be cautious how much you confide in her in future. Use JW facts and the societies literature in any discussions and ask questions rather than present evidence. She is not ready to contemplate issues with her faith yet and pushing her too hard will create the possibility of her going back to the elders.
If you want to continue to fade then depending on what you told your wife and what she has said then you can do damage limitation. It is natural to have doubts from time to time and you can thank the elders for their concern. You have just been a little overwhelmed by the adjustments that have happened in the last year and are having trouble keeping pace with Jehovah's chariot. You just need a little time to process the information from the organisation and have a rigorous schedule of prayer and personnal study to help you. If you have any questions you know where they are and will contact them. You are sorry if you worried your wife unnecessarily and are extremely grateful for their loving concern.
Flattery and a show of compliance are your best friends in this instance.