Final straw for me was the WT which said that Armageddon was going to kill all the world's children, and it was ok because they'd have their whole lives predicted in advance. Some way to end a 6000 year social experiment. But started with constantly being pulled to one side for asking questions when 'testing out' in personal study. Give a kid an interest in ancient history, feed it with guided tours around museums to show how historically accurate the bible is, panic when he then checks out some of the references you've been using and finds out you've been telling fibs.
Your final WTF? Moment!
by restrangled 79 Replies latest jw friends
It wasn't a single WTF moment for me but as DOC put it, it was a cumulative, snowball effect. I suppose it started with the 1 November 1995 Watchtower study article on the meaning of a generation. Then I began assisting a close friend and elder in his independent research. My disfellowshipping and subsequent futile efforts to get reinstated sealed the deal. There were numerous other factors that were occurring as well and all of these jointly led to my decision four years ago to never set foot in a kingdom hall, attend any Witness meeting or gathering, or in any way lend aid or support to the WTS. Since then I have never looked back lest I suffer the fate of Lot's wife. There is nothing in that evil and corrupt organization to tempt me to return. Yes, there are people still trapped in its coils whom I certainly love and miss, but they aren't worth my re-enslavement again.
The Watchtower Corporation was and still is a lying deceiving self promoting corrupt religious publishing house,
from all of its inherent corruption is the only reason it exists today.
Wonderful WTF moments, you learn something new every day....thank you (James Wood)!
Wonderful WTF moments, you learn something new every day....thank you (James Wood)!
It was more of a series of WTF moments, this one I remember clearly. Cow palace, San Francisco, late nineties. God that was a dreary, dank place. So the speaker was going on about field service, and says "Are you regular in service? If not, why not? If you are regular in service, can you auxiliary pioneer? If not, why not? If you are an auxiliary pioneer, can you regular pioneer?" I just sat there and thought, what do they do to make the special pioneers feel guilty?
It was a small thing, but always, when at a meeting or a convention I would totally agree with what the speaker said. I did not always act on what I heard, but I thought I should. It was the first time I just said, nope, not going to happen, I am sick of feeling guilty. I think that was my last convention.
Blood........... way back in the early 1960's when blood was the only way you could get life saving surgery of that era.
I always thought the doctrine was corrupt. When I married and we wanted to start a family I realized I truly did not believe in what the WT taught. But blood was the string I started pulling on first and last as it all unraveled.
My last meeting was in 2010, but sometime before that during a Sun morn Wat study about when we see a rock badger, gecko, or an ant we should be reminded of the same qualities these critters share with Jeh. It was about the most stupid tower study I ever heard. I was sitting there thinking that this is what I gave up a day off for, got dressed up, came to the meeting to hear this crap. If I looked at it before hand I would have skipped. Anyway I was not mentally in anymore, but that tower study really steepened the slippery slope I was sliding down. In 2010 one Sunday morning I woke up, decided I just wasn't going to do it anymore and went motorcycle riding. Never been back. That's the short story.
Im still coming to terms with my WTF moments....
You know how it is hard to sometimes put everything into one clear sentance? I have a "washing machine of thoughts and emotions" going on at present...
Some things though:
The weird early teachings from those "righteous" ones such as russel!
Pyramids, Beth Sarim, etc
Then the excusing of wrong teachings...sweeping under the carpet.
The re writing of history and publications...etc
When they said you can't study biblical Greek and Hebrew to test the NWT, I thought 'what are they hiding?' and it went from there.