Your final WTF? Moment!

by restrangled 79 Replies latest jw friends

  • rowan

    Half way through med school there came a 19 yo young man to the congo in the city, from one of the provinces in my country. He had chronic myeloid leukemia, in the initial stages, it had been randomly found through his (required by law) prenuptial blood work. The guy was in otherwise good health, and if he underwent bone marrow transplant he had all the odds in his favor for living a normal life. The government in his province already had a grant in place for his transplant and ongoing treatment. The donor had been found. The family was now in the capital city for final arrangements. One problem though, he was allowed to get a bone marrow transplant, but for the treatment to be successful in the first place, all his leukemic blood had to be replaced as well, and this was not allowed. Without this, he had 8 years to live at most. One of the Branch Committee members told him, not to worry; "brother, in 8 years we will have been in paradise for long already". That was 1999. And no, he didn't even get to live as long as 8 years, I later learned.

    I remember feeling so angry at the time, when I heard what this bethel heavy had told him. And I remember angrily challenging my father (who is otherwise an excellent physician BTW) about HOW IN THE WORLD a bone marrow [the precursor for blood, the essence of blood in my eyes then] was allowed and a blood "transplant" was not allowed. My dad told me that if getting a bone marrow transplant was against my concience, then it could always be my choice not to accept one besides not accepting plain blood.

  • Apognophos

    Wow, rowan, that's a sad story. Amazing how the religion has claimed so many lives and the general public is totally unaware of it just because it didn't happen all at once like Heaven's Gate or the People's Temple.

  • stuckinarut2

    Amazing rowan!

    how guilty the org is hey!

  • Vidiot

    No real WTF moments for me; just a growing katamari ball of evidence that it wasn't "The Truth" steadily outweighing a shrinking ball of evidence that it was.

  • Rattigan350

    Another moment for me was when the COs got the mandate to not write their own outlines for their talks but started using recycled assembly talks.

    The meetings became ultra tedious. What was once a special week now became recycled drab and guilting material. If COs can't be original, then what hope can any of us. What's the point of this at all. It is just an indoctrination session from the GB.

  • Ucantnome

    I don't think there was a final WTF moment. I don't think I was ever really an organization sort of witness. It was more to do with God. I had no aspirations to do anything at the hall and generally disliked the meetings and field service although I pioneered.

    When I was growing up there was always a lot of conversation in house regarding the truth and a couple of times I remember my father going on about things that had changed, one being the baptism.

    I never intended to leave and thought that things would be explained in time. A Watchtower article had made me see things differently and I my autopilot adjusted my life for me meaning less meeting attendance and no field service and I had to discuss my feelings with my friends that brought the elders round.

    Since I left I was totally surprised once talking to an elder about Christ and John 1. and more recently I was shocked when I spoke to an elder and we couldn't agree on basic things that I had understood as a witness. So maybe that was my final moment.

    I kind of figured it out, the reasons how and why I left, since I've been posting here. Or at least made more sense of it.

  • twice shy
    twice shy

    stumbleine- how I was treated at my JC meeting. I was sorry about what I had done, and yet one of the elders rubbed it in my face telling me "you trampled all over Gods feelings" and "You say you're not going to do it again? I don't know...all we have is your word".


    longhairgal- .

    All you have done is give uneducated, unprofessional, untrained men dirty pictures in their minds and something to masturbate about. That means that every time one of them looks at you this will come into their mind

    Yep, their minds are not as clean as we once thought they were supposed to be. It's a sad day when you realize that you entrusted so much into ones you truly believed were anointed by GOD. smh

  • Podobear

    The turning point or WTF moment for me was at Bethel, at the release of the GB decision on Cannibalism.

    A plane had crashed in the Andes. There were Survivors and Many Dead. The Survivors ate the carcasses of their fellow Dead Travellers.

    The GB decided there was no specific injunction against eating the Flesh of another human... there was no specific reference in Scriptures.

    WTF can't they reason on the same lines with the Medical use of Blood. Life isn't taken from an individual. The Individual donates it to help preserve Jesus did...

    Mind You, the faithful 11 good Jewish boys sitting around the table at the Last Supper, nearly puked!

    It is a Law... not a command... and Laws change as a Nation develops.

    There were several other WTF moments that followed after that.

  • baldeagle

    All of you have so eloquently listed so many of my personal feelings and WTF moments that I experienced or meditated on throughout the years. One of mine was when I became an elder back in the early 1990’s. I soon discovered after going to all the many elder’s meetings during the mid-week meetings that lasted till 10 pm, that the subjects we discussed were mostly lame and petty.

    I was embarrassed and naive to have imagined all through the years (before I became an elder) that those men in the congregation library were making all these world renowned decisions. The truth is I soon learned from experience, most of what we discussed was not vital, earth shattering or very intellectual. I quickly learned there was no guidance from God’s spirit. Just a bunch of guys, some very genuine and sincere, guessing at things and using their own imperfect reasoning’s and biases.

    But as many have already said the “generation” teaching change in 1995 was a biggie. Then 13 years later in 2008 we went from the worst, “wicked and crooked” people to the very best the “anointed.” That “anointed” idea only lasted a mere two years when it suddenly changed again in 2010 to the “overlapping” new light.

    I’ve said to my staunch JW wife & others, “Why wouldn’t Jesus just tell his chosen elite F&DS, in 2008 about the overlapping teaching right away, and be done with it. Why would he tell them something incorrect first, and then decide to send down the right understanding only two years later. Doesn’t the Son of God know or have the power to get it right sooner and not embarrass his chosen ones?”

    The constant garbage about old light, changing to new light is all nonsense. Many of us followed Chris Hadfield the Canadian astronaut who served as the commander of the International Space Station. I was fascinated by all the incredible pictures he Tweeted and the real time interviews and videos that were beamed down to earth for millions/billions to watch. I thought to myself how marvelous it is that imperfect humans can understand the laws of the universe, radio waves, satellites, internet protocols etc. to be able to accomplish such a monumental feat.

    On the other hand, the Creator of these very laws, is using instead His Son, along with His mighty and powerful Holy Spirit. Why then can’t God beam down accurate timely “theocratic light” right the first time to His illustrious F&DS? The WTS leaders better get a better high speed connection to God when they move to Warwick. It seems NASA can communicate more effectively and efficiently with imperfect humans on earth.

  • JWdaughter

    Lots of moments, but realizing that in the end, it didn't matter how much evidence one has about the WT, that the argument is that (basically) "its the lesser of the evils" (Look how much WORSE everyone else in Christendom is!!).

    Really, that's all you really got, folks? Cause ultimately, it IS all they have when they know and they choose to stay. My mom is that person. She can't see what any person in the world does that's good because she decided already that they are wicked and evil for not being a JW-and don't confuse her with any pesky facts! She decided. Thats that.

    Any person who thinks religious affiliation is gonna save them is nuts. No matter the religion. I am a person of faith,but I do not discount goodness where I find it as being un-noticed by God simply because they don't address God the way that I do.

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