You guys make me proud to be here among you all.
For years when I was in, I would hear from the platform
and from the "friends" how "apostates" and anyone who left
were gone because they were "immoral" or "gnashing their teeth"
"miserable" "demonized" and alone on the scary "outside"
They pictured apostates as vicious, and depraved and sex-fiends
and drug addicts, and other scare tactics.
I believed it, so do others still today. Yet here in this thread,
is demostrated, honest, clear thinking, moral people,
who are sincere, thoughtful, who struggled to free themselves.
And those who did get disfellowshipped for "immoral" reasons
were often destroyed mentally and emotionally because they
were in the WT. It amazing how many and varied the triggers
are; that finally awaken us. For me it was a Watchtower that
reffered to Millions Now Living "May" Never Die, and I was sure they had
changed the title and I went on a library search for it. I obtained a copy
and read it and the prediction the prophets would be resurrected in 1925.
It began to unravel from there. It was Millions Now Living Will Never Die.