Accusing Ex-JWs of Behaving Like JWs Should be Taboo

by cofty 447 Replies latest members private

  • cofty

    not answering the sincere questions of those who do not agree with you.

    What questions have I missed?

  • cofty

    minimus - you didn't bother to read the OP where I made it clear that I am objecting to lazy cheap shots about a "JW mindset" and acknowledged there are valid exceptions.

    Instead you resorted to lazy generalisations and insults and then accused others of immaturity. The irony!

  • Sparlock the Wizard
    Sparlock the Wizard

    I think people should, and will, say whatever they want when they want. When someone makes an false comparison against you that you consider a "personal attack," it simply reveals their stupidity.

  • cofty

    Just to be clear I am not proposing a new forum rule. I am simply commenting on a common trend. That's all.

  • FlyingHighNow

    There are occasions when it is simply a statement of fact - when somebody preaches end-times speculation for example - but to use it as a cheap shot is unacceptable.

    I agree with you. The person who is the object of the comment would serve himself or herself well by considering what the originator is trying to point out. Ponder it. If it is said to me, I'm going to think about it. It's easy to have a knee jerk reaction and decide the person who said it just wants to take cheap shot at me. But what if the person is sincere? What if the person is correct? What if the person said it because I need to hear it?

    Why not say: cheap shots should be taboo? But then as Village Girl showed, the very definition of the word taboo lends itself back to a religious type ban.

  • new hope and happiness
    new hope and happiness

    The condradiction between science and christianity cannot be overcome. Christianity is based on a concept of faith not facts. So in my opinion a christian ses the world falsley to my reasoning. Thats why i stay off certain topics. The christian reasonning and mine conflict and to debate is pointless. As to the origional o.p " Accusing ex- of behaving like Jws" i think its shades of grey. I also think its impossible to fully understand the mindset of a poster, so i think a correct evaluation of posters would just be not to debate if you feel it will only end in an argument.

    Not sure if that makes sence, but i do enjoy same debates on this board and the reason above is why i personally dont contribute on them.

  • FlyingHighNow

    Just to be clear I am not proposing a new forum rule. I am simply commenting on a common trend. That's all.

    I guess I don't really read enough threads lately, to see a trend. I have noticed it being said here and there during my time as a member here, though.

  • cofty

    Why not say: cheap shots should be taboo?

    Because I am making an observation about a specific cheap shot that is very common on JWN

    If you don't like the word taboo insert your own synonym.

  • FlyingHighNow

    Imagine us ex jws sometimes behaving like jws. The thought.

    I look at it like drug addiction. You can put it aside and go on the wagon, but it takes time and work to weed out all the behaviors, tendencies, etc. of addiction. If a person has been on the wagon a long time, addictive behaviors are still going to pop up here and there. Some of the behaviors may persist, even when the person is on the wagon.

  • minimus

    Cof, I DID read the OP. Saying I "didn't bother to read" it is making a judgment, an incorrect one. First you say you don't think the expression, JW mindset is appropriate, then you back off.

    Some people maintain a JW mentality and if you choose to disagree, that's fine. It's taboo for you, not for everyone else, when warranted..... Flyin', that example is spot on.

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