Accusing Ex-JWs of Behaving Like JWs Should be Taboo

by cofty 447 Replies latest members private

  • cofty

    mini - thank you. I didn't know it was bad form to disagree with somebody who has more posts. It was a newbie error. I stand corrected and in awe of your 35000 contributions.

  • FlyingHighNow

    To disagree with someone is to be human. There's no way are human beings ever going to agree on everything.

    I don't think we differ that much on the subject of your OP. We should be accurate, sincere and genuine when we point out JW like behavior and do it with a view to helping the person(s) we are addressing. We should not use the term JW Mind Set insincerely and throw it at people with a wish, only to insult them.

    I encourage people who are on the other end of being told they are behaving like JW's, not to take immediate offense, but to examine the point more closely. If the person who said it has been vague and general, then ask the person to be more clear and specific before you allow it to traumatize you, possibly unnecessarily.

    For those who feel the need to use the term JW Mind Set or to point out cultlike, JW like behaviors, think about it first. Don't use it as a comeback or insult. There are people who might feel tramatized if you aren't clear in your intent to help a person who seems to be locked into a Jehovah's Witness behavior-like jag.

  • zed is dead
    zed is dead

    Who put the itching powder in cofty's jock?


  • minimus

    Flyin, I totally agree with you. Do you think , maybe, this was what Cof was really trying to say? Because if it was, I would agree.

  • FlyingHighNow

    Flyin, I totally agree with you. Do you think , maybe, this was what Cof was really trying to say? Because if it was, I would agree.

    If you mean my last comment, I think that as the thread has progressed, that seems to be what he means. I could be wrong though.

  • losingit

    Flyin the Communicator! :-) :-) :-)

  • jhine

    Cofty , I am curious , about 4 pages and ten years back (it seems ) you said -

    "I take back my suggestion that it doesn't exist " and

    "thanks to everybody who made a useful contribution . "

    As you started the thread and it does seem hard to impress you with a comment to a point where you will call it a useful contribution , I would like to know what you felt the useful contributions were .

    Please start a new thread where this idea of what a hangover JW attitude is as you said that you would . I am sure that many people would have lots of ideas .


  • cofty

    Jan - To summarise. I started by complaining about the way some posters accuse others of behaving like a JW as a cheap and thoughtless insult.

    I acknowleged that there are valid exceptions just as there are exceptions to Godwin's Law. For example when somebody obsessses about esoteric bible prophecy and end times.

    Talesin, Villagegirl, Outlaw and miniman obliged by childishly accusing me of behaving like a JW, and in each case what they meant by that was nothing but a facile reflection of their pet peeves.

    I suggested that there is no such "thing as a JW mindset". Perhaps it is nothing but a lazy catch-all; a way of simply dismissing others. People abuse the idea of a JW mindset to mean anything that they don't like.

    Having talked about it, and thought about some of the more helpful replies - including yours - I am sure there is a JW mindset and I think I have a specific idea what it is.

    I will offer it as a suggestion on a new thread later.

  • besty

    ! Cofty's Law !

    "As a poster on JWN senses they are out of valid points, the tendency to compare their opponent to a JW will increase"

  • Dis-Member

    But it's actually true. I have seen many ex-witnesse behave exactly like witneses and often worse. Once people are released from the restraints of moral or ethical behavior or what ever other factor was controlling their behavoir it's not uncommon to see the real person surface which can be extremely unpleasant to say the least.

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