Would God (Jehovah) really choose lying and corrupt religious Charlatans like the Watchtower Corporation ?

by Finkelstein 29 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Finkelstein

    The Watchtower Publishing house has been going strong now for over 100 years, publishing numerous

    books and magazines, many which are now out of circulation. Many of the doctrines created by this

    organization have been removed completely or just simply reworked to hold appeal toward the publics's eyes,

    minds and hearts.

    Grandiose doctrines such as Christ returning first in 1874 and then again in 1914 have been core

    doctrines which have no supporting validity in the broad based knowledge of Christian theology.


    What really appears from an analytical prospective the WTS. created and propagated doctrines

    which were more devised to proliferate the organization's own published works and keep the

    publishing house financially fluent.


    The biggest reason for myself leaving back in the early 80's was witnessing people selling their homes,

    abruptly stopping their education, withholding marriages or having children and some even committing

    suicide from the overly hyped Armageddon, which was to occur in 1975.


    Doing some personal research I realized that the WTS. under control of the head editorial writers were fabricating

    doctrines with the intent of spurring up circulation of the organization's books and magazines.

    They intensionally created a state of fear and anxiety to expand (their) organization by use of its own written literature.

    Some doctrines may have had some correctness to them such as Christmas or not idolizing graven images such as the cross

    use extensively in Christendom but there were many which were created out of self imagined ignorance or amateur bible


    Now the history of this organization is kind of being exposed on places like the inter-net and whats being exposed

    is either quite damaging and revealing from that information.

  • Oubliette
  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    Regardless of whether a person believes in the Bible or not, just read the record as it is written: has any religion or system god allegedly instituted ever worked?

    Whatever system (formal or not) god set up was hopelessly flawed and corrupt from its inception, and slowly (sometimes quickly) circled to a death spiral. Even if (and it's a humongous if) WT was god's chosen religion, really- does it run any differently from any other system he's built???


    I agree with Oubliette's correct, but long-winded, answer

  • Finkelstein

    Thats what I thought back in the day ( No )

    Still a believer of god at the time, I couldn't get my head around the fact that the WTS. was

    dubiously corrupt in its professed doctrines, but I could see the commercial appeal to those

    doctrines in proliferating literature toward the public.


    The selling of " the end of this system of things and Armageddon " still continues on to this day unfortunately,

    I guess the attractiveness of those doctrines still maintains relevance to the WTS. leaders in luring people into the

    organization, lies be dammed as they say.

  • James Brown
    James Brown

    Would God (Jehovah) really choose lying and corrupt religious Charlatans like the Watchtower

    It depends on what scenerio you choose to look at the world and life from.

    I have many.

    One of the ones that God uses the watchtower in is,

    The Watchtower is a spiritual kindergarden.

    Your not supposed to stay in it for ever.

    You have to wake up and move on.

    Those that stay in kindergarden all their life are very slow.

    You could say they wasted their life.

    But it is up to each person to wake up and smell

    the coffee, smell the roses

    It must take some tremendous character defect to spend ones life in the watchtower.

    It is like being ungrateful to God,

    apathetic to life, indifferent, unconcerned, ungrateful for being born

    uninterested in life.

  • designs

    As far as chalatans go the Wt. guys are really amatures.

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    to JB....out of sheer morbid curiosity, maybe you can list for us which religion is:

    grade school?

    junior high?

    high school?


  • clarity

    Evidently .....ummm I mean ....OMG no no & no!




  • Legacy

    @James Brown,

    Exactly. Once you have studied with the witnesses, they have lead you to the real bible truths. I feel I have learned from them what the bible really teaches & it's not what they teach. As you say, they it's a spiritual pre-K. I sit there many meetings & say, how is it they don't know this already. I think many witnesses have not learned how to treat manking in general. How to be kind not to judge....The solid food is the fruitage of the spirit...& for some reason it's over their pre K heads...most of the stuff we learn, they should have been taught by their parents. Why do we have to be told that both parents should raise their kids or that parents are responsible for their kids spirituality...duh? Who else? If your kids won't listen to you, why should they listen to someone else...The parents are so busy with Kingdom work, their kid can't ignored...

    As you say, it's time to move on...


  • Finkelstein

    As far as the Kingdom work goes that involves distributing their publications door to door or proselyting their doctrines which support their literature distribution.

    .....and people wonder why the JW organization is so uncharitable outside of their own organization ?

    Kingdom Halls are really indoctrination and training centers for the WTS.

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