The Watchtower Publishing house has been going strong now for over 100 years, publishing numerous
books and magazines, many which are now out of circulation. Many of the doctrines created by this
organization have been removed completely or just simply reworked to hold appeal toward the publics's eyes,
minds and hearts.
Grandiose doctrines such as Christ returning first in 1874 and then again in 1914 have been core
doctrines which have no supporting validity in the broad based knowledge of Christian theology.
What really appears from an analytical prospective the WTS. created and propagated doctrines
which were more devised to proliferate the organization's own published works and keep the
publishing house financially fluent.
The biggest reason for myself leaving back in the early 80's was witnessing people selling their homes,
abruptly stopping their education, withholding marriages or having children and some even committing
suicide from the overly hyped Armageddon, which was to occur in 1975.
Doing some personal research I realized that the WTS. under control of the head editorial writers were fabricating
doctrines with the intent of spurring up circulation of the organization's books and magazines.
They intensionally created a state of fear and anxiety to expand (their) organization by use of its own written literature.
Some doctrines may have had some correctness to them such as Christmas or not idolizing graven images such as the cross
use extensively in Christendom but there were many which were created out of self imagined ignorance or amateur bible
Now the history of this organization is kind of being exposed on places like the inter-net and whats being exposed
is either quite damaging and revealing from that information.