If there is an honest truthful god, then he CANNOT choose the witchtower babble and trash society.
In order not to be DF for apostasy, they require you believe the myth of the flood or Jehoobie will kill you, for many years you had to believe the earth as we know it is 49 000 years old, that there was a huge water canopy above the earth, that evolution cannot happen, that mutations are ALWAYS harmful, let your children die of TB smallpox yellow fever typhoid rather than get a vaccination, die of kidney failure rather than take a transplant, that Jerusalem became desolate in 607 rather than 606 as originally trumpeted, that Jesus returned invisibly in 1874 no 1914, that aluminum was a deadly metal being touted by satanic cookware companies, that Hitler's Reich had more in common with the ideals of the "Kingdumb" than with the oppressive democracies of the west.
Real science, archaeology, and Pasteur disprove all this trash.
Need I go on. How is it that Jesus will kill you unless you either believed those things at the time or the rubbish it has been replaced with??
Either the Wt god is a vicious psychopath, or he cannot reason any more clearly than the average Jdub.