Minimus, you really asked a great question there.
It could so easily happen to me. Heck, I wrote a whole book about my journey into and out of "the truth" and made it available to others. My JW wife or in-laws or my mother could one day call the elders on me. The elders could decide all on their own to pursue me.
Would I care?
On the surface- NO! I would continue to live as I do. I would feel a bit freer but I really already made all the changes in my life. I don't think I would just sit still and let them DF me if they called me to the carpet for something. I would reply with a legalistic Doc Bob letter ( and probably would not meet with them, then I would appeal if they DF'ed anyway and go that whole process again. Ultimately, I might just let it go after the appeal.
Would there be any repercussions?
YES! My mother says she would have to honor the rules. I don't think she would, but it would definitely change our relationship. It would make my in-law family very uncomfortable and change things there. I would still have the same relationship with my wife, but her few JW friends that do cross my path would have to uphold the frigging rules and shun me.